The Blood Code
background noise from hidden speakers above everyone’s heads.
    Ivanov was nowhere to be seen. Ryan’s target, however, was at three o’clock, talking to his boss, the Russian prime minister. The balding deputy minister, Yuri Barchai, was sweating heavily, his gaze darting around the room as if he, too, were keeping an eye on all the security details.
    Ryan followed his gaze, scanning the different groups of dignitaries, security personnel, and even the waiters. All seemed exactly as it had been.
    With one exception. Someone was watching him watch Barchai.
    Across the vast expanse of the hall, Truman Gunn caught Ryan’s eye. He was standing near the British prime minister and talking to Ambassador Lutz, a clear drink in his hand, and a camera hanging from a strap around his neck.
    Ryan couldn’t acknowledge him as a friend or acquaintance since they were both undercover. When their paths crossed, they would pretend they were meeting for the first time. One of the many reasons it was difficult for operatives to have long-lasting friendships. In public, they had to ignore each other.
    Truman understood the game well, and with a subtle tip of the glass that no one but Ryan would’ve noticed, he shifted his focus back to Lutz.
    Ryan followed suit and returned his attention to his target.
    Along with the photographs of the Palace and grounds, Ryan had studied Barchai in detail. Bank accounts, extramarital affairs, bribes, even his elementary school records had been gone over with a fine-tooth comb. The smallest of details could give Ryan the upper hand when turning him, and if anything, Ryan was thorough with details.
    Even if he hadn’t known the man was unhappy in his current job, it was easy to deduce the conversation he was currently having with his boss made him agitated. When people felt upset, they were easier to turn into an asset because they gravitated to a sympathetic listener. Another of Ryan’s skills.
    But something about the man’s expression made Ryan step back into the shadows behind a marble column to watch him more closely. Along with the agitation, he seemed to be arguing a point. The set of his jaw, the directness of his gaze when it went back to the prime minister’s face, told him Yuri Barchai was on a mission.
    And a man on a mission was no one to fool with.
    When turning an asset, the first encounter was crucial. No sense rushing it and blowing the one chance he had of uncovering the truth about Ivanov. The nuclear summit would last a full week, and although it was a time crunch, Ryan would wait for the right opening.
    Just like he would with Anya.
    For the next half hour, he pretended to be the Pennington aide his backstopped identity said he was, all the while searching for any sign of her. He mingled and shook hands, wishing he could ask about the princess, but knowing it wouldn’t be a good idea. Instead, he had a brief conversation with Thad Pennington, President of the United States, who had no idea Ryan worked for the CIA even though Thad’s brother-in-law, Michael Stone, was the clandestine group’s deputy director. Pennington believed Ryan was one of his endless government worker bees, and that was exactly what Ryan wanted.
    While Ryan worked the crowd, he spotted Truman snapping photographs. It was doubtful Truman would compromise him in such a way, but he made sure to stay out of the camera’s eye at all times. Continuing to mingle, he kept Barchai in sight, waiting for the opportunity to introduce himself. He also steered clear of Lutz, who kept shooting him nasty glances. When the moment came to approach his target, Ryan snagged a shot of vodka from a passing waiter’s tray and walked toward the deputy prime minister who happened to be talking to Truman.
    But just as he was about to join them, Barchai checked his watch, turned on his heel, and left the hall, eyes once again darting over the posted guards.
    Too late to turn around or pretend that he hadn’t been headed in

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