The Boyfriend List

The Boyfriend List by R.S. Novelle, Renee Novelle Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Boyfriend List by R.S. Novelle, Renee Novelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.S. Novelle, Renee Novelle
    “Yeah, that’s what my
credit card said too.”
    “You’re too good for him.
I’ve been telling you that the whole time.”
    “Yeah, but you always say that about the guys I date.”
    Ian chuckled, it was a statement
he couldn’t deny. “Well, it’s true. You always are.”
    “I know.” Reagan’s voice
was filled with reluctance. “I just feel so stupid I guess.”
    He could see her lip
threatening to tremble. “Come here.” He demanded just a split second before
pulling her into a tight hug. His cologne was once again enveloping her still
fuzzy head; and that’s when she realized she could’ve stayed like that in his
embrace all night. It was the first time she’d felt content in a week.
    “You’re not stupid.” He
muttered low into her ear. “You’re intelligent and beautiful, and you’ll find a
guy who treats you the way you deserve.”
    “I think I know that too.
    Laughing, Ian gently
kissed the top of her head before pulling away. “Let’s eat, drunk one. This is
gonna get cold, and the game starts in five.”
    Reagan nodded in
enthusiastic agreement. Occupied solely with bringing her drink into the living
room, Ian followed closely behind her - pizza box in hand - balancing the
plates, napkins, water bottles and everything else they needed on the top of
the box. Plopping onto the springy cushions of Petra’s expensive sofa, they
settled in comfortably close to each other. Ian opened the box and handed the
first slice to Reagan. It was warm, perfectly chewy and absolute heaven. The evening
was already getting better.
    “Hey Ian?” She said
through bites of pizza, her full focus on the television in front of her.
    “Yes?” His eyebrow raised
high with the question, yet another charming move, Reagan thought herself to be
immune to.
    “Thanks for this.”
    Then he smiled warmly,
and kissed her in a friendly gesture on her cheek. “Any time beautiful.”
Settling in for the night, his expression filled with contentment, he lifted
the remote and flipped the channel.


    Gearing up for the first
day back to classes after a long spring break was never an easy task. But never
had it been more difficult for Reagan than it was this time around. Her alarm
went off promptly at eight, an ungodly hour for most college students, though
she preferred to get her classes out of the way early and get on with her life.
Yet this morning found her willing to
change her philosophy. The strange sound coming from her phone – a cross
between a foghorn and a strangled mechanical rooster – was barely recognizable
through the dense throbbing that had taken over her head. She groaned at the
smallest hint of light that slipped between the slits of her eyes, and
instinctively gauged the distance from her bed to the toilet. Just in case.
    Damn those margaritas .
    As she fumbled with the
sensitive touch screen, she willed her dry eyes to focus and clear, though all
she really wanted to do was burry her head under her pillow and go back to
sleep until the hangover had subsided. And though it was a tempting solution to
a perceivable problem, she knew the real situation she was avoiding had nothing
to do with the suffering she’d brought on through massive amounts of tequila,
but more with the suffering her heart was feeling as all the memories and
thoughts about her break up with Justin, her strange encounter with Brett and
her pleasant evening with Ian came rushing back to her, punching her right in
her already queasy gut.
    It was almost too much to
deal with at once. But Reagan was strong, and a master at categorizing her
issues to keep them separate, which had no doubt served her well in the past. And
she’d utilize the skill as best as she could to get through the day. But there
was something different about this time, something that had left her uneasy and
exhausted and just unwilling to deal any longer. She wasn’t sure what to chalk
it up to – surely

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