The Bridesmaid's Hero

The Bridesmaid's Hero by Narelle Atkins Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Bridesmaid's Hero by Narelle Atkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Narelle Atkins
jeans kept her legs warm.
    Harry draped his arm around her shoulders and she nestled closer, appreciating the extra protection from the icy alpine breeze.
    He whispered in her ear. “What do you think?”
    “I love it.” She pulled her woolen hat lower on her head, transfixed by the magnificent scenery.
    Patches of snow glimmered like crystals in the morning sunlight, surrounded by clumps of purple, yellow and white wildflowers. Eagles Nest, their destination, came into view, the buildings a stark contrast to the rugged landscape.
    Harry helped her off the chairlift and led her to the entrance of a nearby restaurant.
    He smiled. “Coffee time.”
    “Absolutely. This cold weather has given me an appetite.”
    “It doesn’t feel like spring up here.”
    A dozen mountain bikes were parked outside the restaurant. She curved her mouth into a bigger smile. “My cycling friends love coming here in summer.”
    “You haven’t joined them?”
    “I work weekends, and that’s when they go out of town for their long rides.”
    “Do you find your work hours limiting?”
    “Sometimes, but I love my job and I wouldn’t swap it for a nine-to-five office job.”
    “That’s not my ideal job, either.”
    She chuckled. “I can’t see you being happy with an office job.”
    They walked inside and she followed Harry to a corner table beside two large windows.
    The spectacular mountain and valley panorama claimed her full attention. She leaned forward in her seat, her elbows resting on the pine wooden table top. “I can’t get over the stunning view.”
    “This restaurant is one of my favorite places to visit.”
    “I can understand why.” She snapped a few photos on her phone, mesmerized by the diversity of the pristine terrain.
    A waiter appeared and she joined Harry in ordering Devonshire Tea with her latte.
    “Harry, you’re right. It looks like there’s plenty of snow further up the mountain where it’s misty.”
    He twined his fingers through hers, his gaze tender. “We won’t make it to the summit today. The conditions aren’t looking good.”
    “It’s okay. Maybe another time.”
    “The weather should improve by summer, and there’ll be less snow in December.”
    Her knee brushed his under the table, and she wriggled back in her seat. “A friend of mine climbed to the summit on Australia Day.”
    “A good way to escape the January summer heat.”
    “One day I’ll climb to the very top.”
    “We could come back in December, before you leave Snowgum Creek.”
    She squeezed his hand. “I’d like that.”
    The scones arrived with their lattes. Serena opened her scone and spread a layer of strawberry jam on one half. She topped it with a dollop of clotted cream and took a bite. “Mm.”
    He held her gaze. “It’s good.”
    She nodded, her palate pleased by the light texture and sweet favor. “I’m fussy when it comes to scones.”
    “Your scones are the best.”
    “Thank you. That’s a big compliment.”
    “And it’s true.” He sampled one of his scones, smothered in a generous helping of jam and cream. “These are good scones. I packed boxed lunches from your B&B, and bottled water.”
    “You’ve thought of everything.”
    “I aim to please.”
    She sipped her latté. “I could do this every day.”
    “Yes, and I believe we’re sitting in Australia’s highest restaurant.”
    “Wow. That’s impressive. I’m sure they’re run off their feet here during the ski season.”
    He stirred a teaspoon of sugar into his latte. “Are you a good skier?”
    She shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I’m average. I struggle at times on the intermediate slopes.”
    “Skiing isn’t easy.”
    “I prefer snowboarding, but I only make it to Perisher once or twice a season.”
    “Snowboarding is fun. My dad was a skiing fanatic. When I was younger, we spent many of our winter weekends at the ski fields.”
    “My parents aren’t into skiing, and my mom hates going away and leaving her horses. Our

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