The Broken Man

The Broken Man by Josephine Cox Read Free Book Online

Book: The Broken Man by Josephine Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josephine Cox
able to come home and we’ll be together, and I’ll take care of you until you’re strong again.’
    Both Phil and Adam were astonished when her eyes flickered open and she looked straight at her son. Her lips were moving, but when she attempted to speak, the mumbled words were lost in a choking sound.
    ‘What’s wrong with her?’ Appealing to Phil, Adam began to panic.
    Quickly now, Matron crossed to the bed. Leaning to examine her patient, she told them, ‘It’s all right. She’s trying to say something, but she’s not yet fully awake.’ She glanced up at Phil. ‘Another moment, and you must take Adam back so she can get her rest.’
    As Matron moved away to check the machine readings, Peggy attempted to speak again. This time Adam drew closer, trying to decipher the incoherent whispers.
    With great tenderness, he wrapped his hand about her fingers. For a moment he was silent, painfully reliving what had gone before. Presently, with his other hand he reached out to stroke her thick, wayward hair. ‘I love you, Mum. I want you to come home, so please get better soon.’
    Peggy heard his every word, and she so wanted to rest, but she had to know first. In a snatched breath, she asked him, ‘Is he … here?’
    Relieved to hear her voice, Adam leaned closer, his voice small. ‘If you mean Father, he ran away like a coward, and he never came back.’ Anger consumed him. ‘ He did this to you, didn’t he?’
    ‘Sssh!’ Her voice shivered with fear.
    Exhausted, she momentarily closed her eyes. She was not afraid for herself, but for her only child. She needed to take care of him, this precious boy, who had seen bad things that no child should ever see.
    ‘Mum!’ Adam leaned closer. ‘Don’t be afraid, because if he comes back, I won’t let him in. Phil’s taking care of me, and we’ll be all right till you come home. We really will …’
    When she made a slow, deliberate movement to touch his face, he realised she was anxious to say something else.
    ‘Don’t talk, Mum. It will be all right,’ he assured her. ‘I’ll take care of everything until you get home. If he comes back … I’ll tell them what he’s like …’
    Deeply distressed, Peggy’s furtive whispers were for her son’s ears only. ‘No. Don’t say … that.’
    ‘But he hurt you, Mum. He did!’
    ‘Please … promise me.’ Exhausted, she fell back into her pillow.
    ‘All right, Mum.’ Adam stood up and, gently laying his face on hers, he reluctantly put her mind at rest. ‘I won’t tell,’ he whispered, ‘I promise …’ He found it hard to believe it was what she wanted, but he would keep his promise.
    All he needed was for his mum to get better.
    ‘Love you … Son.’ Relief shadowed her face and now she was silent again.
    ‘Mum?’ Cradling her face, he was shocked at how cold she was. ‘Mum!’
    There was no response.
    ‘Mum! Wake up … Mum!’
    Matron hurried across the room. One glance at Peggy and she pushed the panic button. ‘Take the boy away now!’ she said to Phil.
    Glancing at Peggy’s face, Phil was afraid. ‘Come on, son. We’d best do as Matron says.’ Deeply shaken, he led Adam away. As they hurried out the door, a number of medical staff were coming up the corridor at the run.
    Keeping a strong hold on Adam, Phil quickened their steps. He did not want even to consider what might be going on in the recovery room.
    Quickly now, he took Adam down the long corridor and into the waiting area where they had previously been.
    Adam fought against him. ‘I have to go back … my mum needs me.’
    ‘They’re taking care of her, son.’ Phil kept a tight hold on Adam. ‘They’ll let us know how she is, soon enough.’ After seeing her so pale and empty, Phil secretly feared the worst.

    I N THE VISITOR’S room Phil anxiously paced the floor. Occasionally he paused to look through the window into the corridor, but there was no one in sight.
    He turned his gaze to Adam, who was curled

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