The Buccaneers of Shadaki

The Buccaneers of Shadaki by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Buccaneers of Shadaki by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
gorge below.
    As the floor of the bridge ceases to sway, you quickly remount your horse and coax him across to the far side. You can hear angry voices echoing from the gorge as you spur him to the gallop and escape along the jungle trail that continues beyond the bridge.
    Turn to 205 .

    You awake early the following morning, just as the pre-dawn light is brightening the night sky. Captain Jenkshi and his crew have also risen early to ensure that
The Azan
is the first ship to leave Zharloum this morning. Shortly before dawn they weigh anchor and turn the ship about, and by the time the sun crests the horizon, you are already more than a mile away from Zharloum harbour, riding the morning tide ahead of a bracing westerly wind. Jenkshi tells you that the next port of call will be the city-state of Ghol-Tabras where you will dock in four days' time to take on supplies of fresh water.
    The first day out of Zharloum passes without incident. Then, around noon of the second day, the ship heads south as it leaves the Tentarium and enters the Gulf of Ralzuha. You are sitting on the foredeck, enjoying the sun and the splendid views of the rugged isles and coastline, when suddenly you notice something in the distance that makes your pulse race. You magnify your vision and see that it is a plume of smoke. It is rising from the hull of a burning ship located close to a cluster of rocky islets. As
The Azan
draws closer, you are able to see that a flag is hanging from a broken masthead which lies draped over the vessel's smouldering stern. It is a green flag with scarlet edging, surmounted by a large silver fish. The sight of this flag makes you swallow hard for it is identical to the flag that flies from the mast of
The Azan
. It is the flag of a Suhnese trader.
    Illustration II —A flag hangs from a broken masthead … a green flag surmounted by a large silver fish.
    When Captain Jenkshi and his men first see this flag for themselves, they become very anxious about what may have happened to the crew of this stricken vessel. Many of them have fathers, sons, and brothers who work Suhnese ships in these waters. They urge the captain to search for survivors and he grants his consent readily.
    ‘Steer towards the wreck, Tolshi,’ he says, ordering his helmsman to change course, ‘and I want all other hands on deck immediately. Everyone is on lookout duty.’
    If you possess the Grand Master Discipline of Telegnosis, turn to 111 .
    If you do not possess this skill, turn to 195 .

    You muster your psychic power and launch a Mindblast at the officer. The man begins to shake. Then he drops his pistol and clutches his head with both hands. His sudden shriek of agony alarms the marines and, in the confusion, you are able to take a deep breath and throw yourself over the side.
    Your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus soon frees you from the cord that binds your wrists and you strike out for the distant shore. Only once you have passed beyond the shadow of Sesketera's flagship do you dare come up for air. As you break the surface, you notice that the crew of
The Triasus
are scouring the sea, straining themselves to catch a glimpse of where you are. A marine on the prow deck spots you and, to your surprise, Sesketera's crew begin to laugh and jeer.
    You are trying to fathom the reason for their laughter when suddenly you are struck in the back by a heavy, powerful blow.
    Pick a number from the Random Number Table . If the number you have picked is odd (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9) reduce your ENDURANCE score by 3. If the number you have picked is even (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0) reduce your ENDURANCE score by 5.
    To continue, turn to 243 .

    Your heart misses a beat the instant you recognize the face of this unhappy young woman. It is Oriah, the highborn daughter of the Funtal of Fio Fadali, the runaway who travelled with you aboard
The Pride of Sommerlund
on its ill-fated voyage out of Barrakeesh. Ever since she was abducted in the mountain town of Kilij

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