The Christmas Throwaway

The Christmas Throwaway by RJ Scott Read Free Book Online

Book: The Christmas Throwaway by RJ Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: RJ Scott
use drugs. I don't even smoke."
    Jamie stepped back, suspicion still on his face,
    facing his brother.
    "Did you research him?" Zach gazed at Ben, probably unaware of just how vulnerable he looked and how his eyes were suspiciously bright with tears. Ben felt guilty. Yes, he had checked out Zachary Weston from Richmond, Virginia. No, there were no missing persons'

    The Christmas Throwaway
    RJ Scott

    reports filed. Yes, his family still lived there. Yes, he had managed to track down Zach's home school registration and SATs results for the last four years. All as Zach had said. He didn't tell any of that to Jamie, simply and quietly pleading with his older brother to back off and let him deal with it.
    "Boys?" Donna trailed in after Zach, catching the tail end of the conversation, "Jamie, let Zach go. He is our guest, and as such, you should treat him with kindness.
    Now come back in, Daniel is desperate to open presents."
    Jamie relaxed and moved away from Zach,
    following his mother out of the kitchen. Ben waited until it was just the two of them in the kitchen.
    "Did you check me out?" Zach said softly. "Are they trying to find me?" He clearly only wanted one question answered.
    Ben closed his eyes briefly and then shook his head.
    "I'm sorry, Zach, but not that I could see." Zach's face fell, his expression bleak. Ben hated what he'd had to say.
    Zach's family wasn't worried about him.
    "Is my sister okay? Does anyone know?"
    "Your sister? No, there's nothing filed about her either."
    "There won't be; she's at home still. My dad… he 60
    The Christmas Throwaway
    RJ Scott

    isn't interested in her."
    Ben watched as Zach unconsciously raised his right hand to the cuts that had healed and twisted around his left eye, at the skin discoloration where bruises never seemed to heal. He couldn't be aware how much that small gesture gave away, probably so used to hiding every emotion for so very long that he thought no one could see through the walls.
    "It's been a while now," Zach finally said. His voice was giving him away, a broken voice, with a sadness that was so damn obvious.
    "I'm sorry, Zach," was all Ben could say, in pure cop speak. "I'm very sorry…"

    Zach slipped into the living room at the back, trying to make his limbs curl into a space small enough that he wouldn't be noticed, just watching as people opened presents. He slipped off into a world of his own where he was people-watching and enjoying their expressions as they removed the wrapping on each gift. He had dug himself farther back when the small boy —Daniel, he
    remembered— gave him a parcel. Instantly, Zach was the center of attention. He wanted to tell the boy that he was 61
    The Christmas Throwaway
    RJ Scott

    wrong, that Zach wouldn't have presents under this tree, but he gripped the package hard, turning over the label to see his name on it.
    "For me?" He looked directly at Donna, who smiled encouragingly, and finally when the others turned to watch Daniel open a box to reveal a remote control car, he felt he could open his own. Somewhat bemused, he lifted out a sweater in a rather bright green with an elf embroidered on the front and winced as he realized it was what Ellie had called fugly. It was ridiculous that something so very, very, ugly could make him feel special, even when he knew it was a present originally meant for someone else.
    He thought of what his sister was doing today. Did she hate him that he had gone? Did she realize he'd had no choice? He closed his eyes, picturing her face, swearing that when he turned eighteen and felt better, he was going straight back to get her.
    All too soon the presents were done, each person
    dispersing to place gifts in their rooms, or in the case of the children, leaving them scattered all over the floor, this way and that, making it fun to try and get from one side of the room to the other. Everyone moved with the exception of Zach, who sat in his corner, with a small pile of gifts, the ugly

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