arm. ]Come on.
[ He draws ESTRAGON after him. ESTRAGON yields, then resists. They halt. ]
ESTRAGON: [ Looking at the tree. ]Pity we haven’t got a bit of rope.
VLADIMIR: Come on. It’s cold.
[ He draws ESTRAGON after him. As before. ]
ESTRAGON: Remind me to bring a bit of rope tomorrow.
VLADIMIR: Yes. Come on.
[ He draws him after him. As before. ]
ESTRAGON: How long have we been together all the time now?
VLADIMIR: I don’t know. Fifty years perhaps.
ESTRAGON: Do you remember the day I threw myself into the Rhône?
VLADIMIR: We were grape-harvesting.
ESTRAGON: You fished me out.
VLADIMIR: That’s all dead and buried.
ESTRAGON: My clothes dried in the sun.
VLADIMIR: There’s no good harking back on that. Come on. [ He draws him after him. As before. ]
VLADIMIR: I’m cold!
ESTRAGON: Wait! [ He moves away from VLADIMIR .] I wonder if we wouldn’t have been better off alone, each one for himself. [ He crosses the stage and sits down on the mound. ]We weren’t made for the same road.
VLADIMIR: [ Without anger. ]It’s not certain.
ESTRAGON: No, nothing is certain.
[ VLADIMIR slowly crosses the stage and sits down beside ESTRAGON .]
VLADIMIR: We can still part, if you think it would be better.
ESTRAGONV : It’s not worth while now.
[ Silence. ]
VLADIMIR: No, it’s not worth while now.
[ Silence. ]
ESTRAGON: Well, shall we go?
VLADIMIR: Yes, let’s go.
[ They do not move. ]
1 All four wear bowlers.
Next Day. Same Time. Same Place.
boots front centre, heels together, toes splayed.
Lucky’s hat at same place.
The tree has four or five leaves.
Enter VLADIMIR agitatedly. He halts and looks long at the tree, then suddenly begins to move feverishly about the stage. He halts before the boots, picks one up, examines it, sniffs it, manifests disgust, puts it back carefully. Comes and goes. Halts extreme right and gazes into distance off, shading his eyes with his hand. Comes and goes. Halts extreme left, as before. Comes and goes. Halts suddenly and begins to sing loudly.
VLADIMIR: A dog came in –
[ Having begun too high he stops, clears his throat, resumes. ]
A dog came in the kitchen
And stole a crust of bread.
Then cook up with a ladle
And beat him till he was dead.
Then all the dogs came running
And dug the dog a tomb –
[ He stops, broods, resumes. ]
Then all the dogs came running
And dug the dog a tomb
And wrote upon the tombstone
For the eyes of dogs to come:
A dog came in the kitchen
And stole a crust of bread.
Then cook up with a ladle
And beat him till he was dead.
Then all the dogs came running
And dug the dog a tomb –
[ He stops, broods, resumes. ]
Then all the dogs came running
And dug the dog a tomb –
[ He stops, broods. Softly. ]
And dug the dog a tomb …
He remains a moment silent and motionless, then begins to move feverishly about the
stage. He halts before the tree, comes and goes, before the boots, comes and goes,
halts extreme right, gazes into distance, extreme left, gazes into distance. Enter
right, barefoot, head bowed. He slowly crosses the stage.
turns and sees him.
You again!
halts, but does not raise his head.
goes towards him.
] Come here till I embrace you.
ESTRAGON: Don’t touch me!
[ VLADIMIR holds back, pained. ]
VLADIMIR: Do you want me to go away? [ Pause. ]Gogo! [ Pause. VLADIMIR observes him attentively. ]Did they beat you? [ Pause .]Gogo! [ ESTRAGON remains silent, head bowed. ]Where did you spend the night?
ESTRAGON: Don’t touch me! Don’t question me! Don’t speak to me! Stay with me!
VLADIMIR: Did I ever leave you?
ESTRAGON: You let me go.
VLADIMIR: Look at me. [ ESTRAGON does not raise his head. Violently. ]Will you look at me!
[ ESTRAGON raises his head. They look long at each other, then suddenly embrace, clapping each other on the back. End of the embrace, ESTRAGON , no longer supported, almost falls.
David Hitt, Heather R. Smith