The Convenience of Lies

The Convenience of Lies by K.A. Castillo Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Convenience of Lies by K.A. Castillo Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.A. Castillo
undressing me with their eyes once I get down to just my bikini. At the very least they are imagining me in my underwear. To try to avoid their prying eyes, I speed up getting ready. I kick off my flip flops, and suddenly become acutely aware that the white concrete is so hot it feels as if it's frying off the skin from the bottom of my feet, like they are being prepared for a BBQ dinner. No wonder Cody was running.
    I run too, and jump into the pool gracefully, feet first, my body straight like a pencil. It's like I'm slicing through the water with a knife, making the smallest splash possible. Shane takes a seat on the side of the pool.
    “Come in and join us!” Cody insists.
    “Nah, it's alright, I'll keep an eye on Mackenzie's drink.” He gestures to where my drink is sitting, hidden beneath my clothes.
    This is my first time ever in Shane's back yard. Now that I'm not so distracted with the pool, I have a chance to look around. His backyard is mostly covered with loose dirt, the kind that will get all over anything that touches it, like powder. Shane's backyard is also huge. It's only the width of the pool, but so long that I can't see the back of it. This is partly because my view is obstructed by multiple wooden walls and structures that have been built periodically throughout the yard, giving the yard the sense of being separated into multiple sections. Aside from where the pool is, the whole yard has a sense of abandonment. The wooden structures look as if they were built decades ago and in some places have rotted away. Other parts even look charred, like they have been mysteriously burned. There's a tire swing hanging slightly hidden behind one of the wood structures, but I don't think I would trust it. The tire looks cracked like faux leather that has seen too many days, and can barely hold up its own weight, let alone mine. Also, its chains have thoroughly rusted to a reddish brown. At one point I am sure the chains were a delightful, shiny silver, but those days are clearly long gone. Looking at this back yard is almost like looking at a ghost town.
    Sensing my inspection of the yard, Cody exclaims, “Isn't Shane's back yard awesome! Wouldn't it be the perfect set for a horror movie?”
    “You know what, we should
a horror movie!” Shane adds.
    Horror films tend to make it so that I can't sleep, and when I do, I get nightmares for weeks. So, I am less than enthusiastic about
one. I don't think my psyche could handle it. “Yeah, it would be fun to make a movie! But, can't we do something other than a horror film?”
    “Can't you see, Mackenzie, this backyard is
for a horror film. We have everything we need right here!” Cody insists.
    “What else would you suggest we do?” Shane asks me, incredulously.
    “I don't know, maybe a love story. I could star in it.” I suggest, grasping at the first words that come to mind.
    “No! There's too many movies like that!” Cody interjects.
    “We could make it about a smart, studious girl who meets a wayward boy, and she straightens him out, making him into a better person,” I suggest, hoping this will sound unique enough for the guys to agree to it.
    “Why don't we make it about a good guy who meets a messed up girl and turns her around?” Shane suggests. He can tell from the scowl on my face that I'm not too thrilled with this idea. “What!? There are already so many movies where the girl saves the guy. Why don't we do it the other way around?”
    I'm still pursing my lips while contemplating how the boys are botching up my idea. Fortunately, I am saved from having to respond when Cody shouts out with excitement, “Let's show Mackenzie
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
. It's so awful, it's amazing! She will love it!” As he exclaims this, Cody jumps out of the pool.
    “Yeah, that would be awesome!” Shane agrees. “I have it right over here.” He waddles into his house to dig out his VHS of the
Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
    Seeing that I have

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