The Cosmic Logos

The Cosmic Logos by Traci Harding Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Cosmic Logos by Traci Harding Read Free Book Online
Authors: Traci Harding
know. Templeton, please tell me you’re joking.’
    I am just the messenger, Sire. Templeton pleaded ignorance. If you have any problems, Gwyn suggested you speak with the presiding Ray, Master R.
    â€˜The Ray,’ Avery mumbled, remembering Gwyn had said something about a new Ray coming into power at the time Avery would assume rulership of the Otherworld. ‘And how do I communicate with this master? Does he manifest, or —’
    We have been known to.
    The voice seemed to fill the Otherworld and emanate from everything within it, including Avery. Out of the running river rose a brilliant, celestial body of flaming ultraviolet fire that had a heart of yellow light. It was not composed of etheric substance, but of some matter from beyond the lower planes of existence. The body of the winged being was only vaguely apparentwithin its celestial aura, which radiated beyond the field of Avery’s vision. Once his eyes adjusted to the lustre of the presence, he came to focus on the features of the face.
    â€˜Father?’ There was questioning in Avery’s voice, only because there was a softness about his father’s appearance that wasn’t evident in his physical manifestation, and his form appeared not so warrior-like.
    Sometime, responded the master, and mother, too. The features of his face transformed into those of Avery’s mother, Tory, but the celestial body, clothed in fiery ultraviolet vapour remained completely sexless.
    â€˜Mother,’ Avery mumbled as he collapsed onto his knees, realising he was in the presence of a truly divine being of whom his parents were only one tiny aspect.
    The apparition floated over to settle alongside the overawed lad. Perhaps you would be more comfortable if I chose another incarnation to assume, and perhaps a body of lower order. One moment whilst I transfer myself to your plane of demonstration.
    The bright aura of the master retracted into a male physical form with only the glow of an enlightened being about it. He appeared to be about thirty-five years old, of slender form and average height. There was a striking intellectual and regal countenance about the man, although he was only dressed in a robe of violet that was trimmed with gold. His hair was long, straight and dark, falling to below his shoulders, and he had a tiny moustache and a triangular beard on his chin. When he smiled he displayed a perfect set of teeth, and his eyes of soft blue sparkled brightly.
    â€˜The Comte de St Germain,’ he announced verbally, much to Avery’s astonishment. ‘But you can just call me “the Count”. Everybody else does.’
    â€˜Everybody else?’ Avery ventured to ask.
    â€˜The Members of the Great White Brotherhood, the other Chohans, my co-workers and adepts,’ the Count explained.
    Avery understood that by Chohans, the master referred to the master souls who had ascended beyond the sixth initiation of the Logos, the same initiation Avery was approaching himself. ‘So you are the Chohan of the Violet Ray of whom Gwyn ap Nudd spoke?’
    â€˜Not for very much longer,’ the Count explained. ‘I too have an Apprentice, who will assume the role of the Chohan of the Seventh Ray of the Violet flame very soon. I am still aiding the new Seventh Ray Chohan to hold and process the patterns for the principles of freedom and liberty in the physical world. It usually takes many years for a new Ray Master to become conditioned enough to hold and process so much energy alone, but I am very pleased with my apprentice’s progress so far.’
    Avery floated to a standing position. ‘And what will you do then, lord, move on to the higher work?’
    â€˜Well, in truth, Avery, I have already assumed the appointment of the Mahachohan — The Lord of Civilisation for the physical world. I’m at the Head of the Third Ray Department of Active Intelligence. This means that I am responsible for the evolution

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