The Countdown to Thirty

The Countdown to Thirty by Nefertiti Faraj Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Countdown to Thirty by Nefertiti Faraj Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nefertiti Faraj
the decisions we make
while we’re in our twenties widely shape the outcome of the rest of our lives.
If that’s the truth then I’m not looking to good.” Sonya continued.
    “Well how old are you, twenty-three, twenty-four?” I asked.
    Nina cackled, “Ooh she’s being generous. Sonya you don’t
look a day over forty.”
    Sonya put her glass down for a moment then sent a wave of
water crashing into Nina’s face, “Whatever Nina. Kaia don’t mind her she’s
known as the envious one,” She said standing up showing off her bod, “I’m
twenty-six but thanks for the compliment anyway.”
    As Nina wiped the hot Jacuzzi water from her drenched face
she responded with a snort, “And she’s been known as the bitter and jaded one.”
    In an effort to hold back my laughter I just smiled as I
thought about how much of a mess these two were together.
    “So does this mean I have to hurry and get my life in order
before it’s too late?” I asked intrigued at this whole countdown to thirty
    “Well it depends on your situation but not necessarily. What
Dr. Ruben was saying is that as time goes on people tend to get stuck in their
ways or grow accustomed to whatever lifestyle there living. Things get harder
because as you get older you tend to have families and other pressing
responsibilities which make your personal wants more challenging to obtain.
Therefore they’re much less likely to make major changes in their lives, the
changes that will affect their next forty to fifty years.”
    “I can believe that,” Nina added, “But I think I’m good.”
    Sonya rolled her eyes, “I think it’s true. It makes perfect
sense. It’s like the longer you go accepting certain things the more they
become a part of your reality. If you can get the fundamentals down by thirty
the more likely you are to succeed in the future.”
    “Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s because they become
implanted in your mind before the whole stuck in my ways thing kicks in?”
    “Yes, and because our twenties, especially early twenties to
mid-twenties are supposed to be the years we have our growing pains. I’ve definitely
had my share. So therefore when we come out of them, in theory we should come
out of them with a wiser outlook on life that we carry on through the rest of
our lives.” Sonya replied. “But really, all of that psychology shit aside, I
just want to leave my twenties with more than I came in with. I mean by the
time I’m thirty if I’m stuck in the same fucking predicament I was in when I
was twenty, just shoot me.”
    “Locked and loaded.” Nina added in between laughs before
making some useful commentary. “It’s like the longer you wait to start a
business Sonya you’ll get stuck in your ways and never do it. Get started on
something,” Nina added supportively.
    “What about you Kaia? How many years until your countdown?”
    Finishing off my glass of wine then helping myself to
another I delayed my response, “Two. So time is not really on my side when it
comes to my big ticket items.”
    “Big ticket items?” Sonya inquired.
    “Kids and marriage. Well marriage first then kids. They’re
still sitting on my to-do list unchecked. Does that really count?”
    “Well you never know who you’re going to meet. Believe me if
I could I would have made a point NOT to meet my ex. But maybe the way you
approach your goal of marriage and children would apply.”
    “I think that with age the chances of marriage and children
go down and since finding a qualified mate only gets harder with age I’d have
to sadly say it counts.” I added.
    Sonya shrugged her shoulders then for the hell of it
splashed Nina with another round of hot water.
    As the night progressed and the liquor poured Sonya – who I
was learning cursed like a sailor but was extremely smart and genuine -
confessed she hears me from time-to-time in the bed with Malcolm, so I told her
a little about my baby. When she confessed she was a serial

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