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Book: THE CRITIC by Dyanne Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dyanne Davis
little vendetta.”
    Derrick was fast talking him.  Jared knew that, but it was working.  It was making him forget the honey brown woman with the short afro and the strawberry-flavored lips and remember instead the conniving blonde bombshell who’d left him cold.  Maybe Derrick was right, maybe a few more weeks of this wouldn’t hurt anyone.
    Then his hand hit on the discolored envelope and he knew what was in it. He opened it up and took out a sheet of paper surprised to see that Toreas Rose had apologized. Then he realized a second sheet was stuck to it. He read the second sheet and laughed out loud.  This was what Toreas Rose thought was an apology? He looked again at the first apology, knowing she’d written it after she’d written what she’d really wanted to say. He wondered what would happen when she realized she’d mailed it with the one she’d obviously intended to send.
    Jared knew it, had known it all along.  The woman had guts.  He didn’t know what had happened to her when she was on the show, but she was anything but the wimp he had first pegged her for.
    He looked at the note and laughed again.  The paper looked as if it had probably belonged to her grandmother.  It was that yellow with age, nothing like the flowery stationary the other writers had sent. There was no personal header, nothing. He much preferred the note he knew he wasn’t supposed to see versus the note that read, “‘I’m sorry for my bad behavior.’”
    He read her words on the second sheet of paper carefully.  She was actually telling him the whole thing was his fault, something none of the others had had the guts to do. He happened to look up and noticed that Derrick was eyeing him with a question in his eyes.
    “Don’t worry.” Jared laughed again.  “I think this might continue to be fun.  Listen, do you have that letter from Becca Kamp, the chapter president?”
    “Yeah, do you want it?”
    “Turnabout’s fair play. Toreas Rose spoke to my boss, now I think I’ll speak to hers.”
    As Derrick went off in search of the letter, Jared’s mind strayed once again to the soft, full, luscious lips that tasted like strawberries.
    It was two days before Toreas realized her mistake. She was dumping her waste basket when she realized she didn’t see any yellowed note paper. She dumped the contents of the can on the floor and searched the trash frantically. Oh no , she thought. Please, God, don’t let Jared read that note.
    Toreas rubbed her hand across her head that was now hurting. There was no way Jared Stone had not read the note. She wondered why he hadn’t called her. She thought to call him and explain the note she’d not intended to send. Then she dismissed the thought. She didn’t want to talk to Jared; he would only ask her to come back on the show. To ask him not to show the note would mean she’d owe him a favor. She didn’t think it safe to be in Jared’s debt. She’d just have to wait for the shoe to drop, to see what he planned to do with the note.

    Chapter Four
    There was excitement in the air.  Becca was ringing the bell for all she was worth and there was a secret smile on her face.  Oh, oh , Toreas thought.  The hairs on the back of her neck prickled.  Something about this meeting wasn’t right.
    Becca had been bugging her for over a week, wanting to know if she’d received any response from her note of apology to Jared. Then suddenly without warning she’d dropped her attack.
    “Ladies, take your seat.”
    Becca was preening, tamping her hair down with the palm of her hand.  That’s not like her, Toreas thought.  Usually Becca contained her fiery hair with fancy barrettes.
    No, there was something wrong.  Toreas sat back in her chair to wait for the bomb, the knots in her stomach her surefire signal that something was amiss, something big and coming soon.
    “Ladies, we have a special guest tonight.”
    Toreas watched as Becca paused for effect.  The knots

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