The Crown Jewels

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Book: The Crown Jewels by Honey Palomino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honey Palomino
destined to spend lots of time with each other now. Were we destined to be together again? If I had any say it, we did.
    I guess only fate knows the answer to that, but me and my throbbing cock were sure going to make sure the question was answered sooner than later.

    He was infuriating. How could he claim he was trying not to hurt me? To leave me all alone to deal with everything on my own? How could he possibly think that wouldn’t break my heart? He’d been an idiot. An arrogant, clueless, idiot!
    I’d have been all alone if it weren’t for Sally. She’d stood by my side throughout it all. I hadn’t called her since I’d arrived in Sweden, waiting till I had somehow wrapped my head around everything before I could explain it all to her, but I was done waiting. I needed to talk to her now.
    Pushing away the thoughts of how much an international call was going to cost me, I dialed her number.
    She answered on the first ring.
    “Julia!” she exclaimed, her voice a welcoming beacon in my dark nightmare. “How’s Sweden?”
    “Hi,” I said, sullen and sad.
    “Uh-oh. What’s wrong?”
    “Well, do you want the good news or the bad news first?”
    “Good news, always the good news first.”
    “Right. Well, Sweden is beautiful. It’s buried under a foot of snow, and my father is doing well.”
    “That’s wonderful,” she said.
    “It is. In fact, he’s so wonderful that he’s getting married.”
    “Oh. Wow. That’s huge. Is that hard for you? With your mom and all…”
    “Surprisingly, that part isn’t an issue for me. I’ve been wanting him to find someone for a while now.”
    “Okay, so what’s the problem?”
    “It’s not what, it’s who…”
    “Okay…are you going to tell me or do I have to guess?”
    “It’s who he’s marrying. You’ll never believe this. Are you sitting down?”
    Laughter peeled through the phone.
    “God, Julia, you make it sound like he’s marrying the Queen of England or something…”
    “Close,” I replied.
    “Huh? Jewels, just tell me!”
    “My father is marrying the Queen. Of Sweden. Queen Victoria of Sweden is marrying my father.”
    “No way! Wait!” she gasped. “But that means — no, Julia, no! Oh, my god!”
    “Yep, you’re quick.”
    “But how can that be? That’s totally bizarre!”
    “It is quite the coincidence, isn’t it?”
    “I’ll say! Wow. So when do you meet her?” she asked.
    “I already did. And her son.”
    “Oh, my god, you saw Will?!”
    “Yes,” I replied.
    “Oh, honey! Oh, shit, that’s crazy! I’m so sorry,” she replied, her voice full of the anguish that I was feeling. Talking to her was just what I needed. Someone who understood the magnitude of all of this. “Wow, this is so nuts!”
    “Thank you for understanding.”
    “God, of course! Are you okay?”
    “No, not at all, honestly,” I replied. “It’s a nightmare. I had to have dinner with them last night and now I have to stay at this castle and Will’s wing is just down the hallway and —,”
    “— wait, what? You’re staying at a fucking castle with him?” she asked, her voice filled with disbelief.
    “Not with him. But I’m staying at the castle. Unfortunately, she insisted. I couldn’t refuse Vicky, it would have been rude.”
    “Did you just call the Queen of Sweden, ‘Vicky’ ?” she asked, her laughter echoing through the phone.
    “She insists we keep it casual,” I replied, and suddenly I realized how hilarious this whole thing really was. Her laugh was infectious and I began giggling myself.
    “It’s so absurd. God, I wish you were here,” I said.
    “I wish I was there, too! This is better than a telenovella!”
    “Shut up!” I replied. “And don’t you dare tell anyone!”
    “Not even TMZ?”
    “Oh, my god, don’t you dare! I’ll kill you!” I replied, laughing with her. It felt good to laugh. I missed laughing. I hadn’t laughed since I got off the plane.
    “Alright, I’ll keep it to

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