The Dark Gifts Birthright
because of such knowledge.
Even back then, many humans found it difficult to believe. After a
while, the stories became just that. Stories.”
    She nodded, folded her arms across her chest,
and refused to look at him.
    He explained the connection and how, when
used properly, it would keep the new ones with the maker. It only
failed when a greedy or lonely vamp changed too many within a short
time. Those that had no connection could not be controlled. They
could not help themselves. Without the proper guidance of a maker,
their senses went into overdrive. They could not fight the power
within them and no one could rein them in.
    “So this connection will not allow me to
leave you?”
    “If you wanted too, you could leave. The
first few hours are extremely important. Those initial hours bind
the newly made to the maker. Some humans have strong minds and even
stronger wills. Those are the hardest to control. It is a fairly
sure bet that any human showing signs of aggression, or evil, will
be consumed by the inner darkness. That is why it is necessary for
the Council to evaluate each chosen partner. They no longer allow
the turning of humans who cannot be controlled.”
    “What about me? What do you think they will
say about me?”
    Michael removed one hand from the steering
wheel and patted her leg. “You are doing well. Extremely well. You
are the first newly made I’ve seen to completely quiet the darkness
without help. It is truly impressive.”
    Liz sat, hands clenched tight around the seat
cushion and door handle, and listened. Her eyes closed as she tried
to process the previous onslaught of information. After several
minutes, her lids fluttered opened, and her gaze drifted to him.
“This is all real, isn’t it? I'm just having a hard time grasping
this. Even after everything I've seen and done.” She paused for a
moment, then sliding her body to the side, faced him. “Everything
you’ve just shown me is real, and I am really part of it now.” Her
voice barely registered above a whisper.
    Michael glanced at her for a brief second
before answering. “Yes, you are as much a part of our past as you
are our future.” Overcome with guilt for what had happened to this
amazing woman, he looked away.
    Being a vampire, Michael wasn’t prone to
feeling guilty about anything. He knew the connection was stronger
than what humans called love, but it was beginning to dawn on him
that somehow, in some way, he actually cared about Liz. Not just
because of the connection, there was something even stronger and
deeper going on. He was having the same trouble as she, focusing on
what needed to be done and said.
    His eyes kept wandering over Liz. His hands
did not want to stay on the steering wheel. What they really wanted
to do was pull her close. He desired nothing more than to brush his
lips against her awaiting mouth. And if she didn’t stop flashing
that vivid image in his mind, he might end up doing just that. His
knuckles whitened as his fingers tightened on the steering
    “Are you okay?” Her soft words broke into his
    “Yeah. Why?
    “Nothing. Just…” Her voice trailed off as she
shrugged her shoulders. She turned away and watched the passing
scenery through the passenger side window.
    They rode the rest of the way in silence.
    As trees and the dotted yellow line in the
road flashed by, her thoughts turned to family and home. She
envisioned her mother at the stove standing over a large pot of
chili while her father restlessly read the newspaper at the kitchen
table. “Why hasn't she called? She calls every day,” her mother
would ask.
    She imagined her father’s response. Without
glancing away from his coveted Wall Street section, he’d answer,
“She's fine, Momma. You know how young people are. She's off with
her friends having a good time is all. They do move out for a
    Sure, that's what's going on now, she
thought. But when the phone starts ringing and everyone wants to

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