The Dark Gifts Birthright
where I am, what then? Liz stretched her mind, hoping she
could somehow make contact with them. The only thing she felt in
response was cold emptiness. I'll be all right, mom. Don't
worry. She hung her head in sorrow and wished she could
    The digital clock on the dashboard flipped to
eleven just as they pulled into the parking lot of an old abandoned
lumberyard. He pulled the Nova between a red Jaguar and a black ’69
Mustang Fastback.
    Her voice trembled with fear as she asked,
“Are we here already?”
    “This is it. Looks like a full house
tonight,” he said with the irritating chuckle that she had somehow
grown fond of. “Everyone wants a ring side seat for tonight’s
    “What festivities?”
    He forced himself to look away from her. Her
face, her smell, her hair; he wanted so desperately to reach out
and pull her into his arms. Even under these dire circumstances, it
was difficult to think about anything else.
    Michael shrugged and said, “Some have been
waiting a long time for this.”
    “Because I am the Council assassin. It is my
duty to take the lives of those that break the law.”
    “So you’re a vampire killer?” She looked
incredulous as she laughed. Her laughter cut off as she realized
what that meant. “Doesn’t that mean that most of those inside hate
    “Most of those inside have lost others
because of me. They are here tonight hoping to see my head
    She shook her head. “No.” She didn't know how
she felt about him, but she knew that he wasn't to blame for her
situation. Not completely anyhow. And although she still harbored
some resentment, she didn’t want to see him die. He was a friend. A
friend? Yes he is my friend. I don't want anything bad to happen
to him either.
    He reached up and brushed her cheek with the
back of his fingers. It was softer than he remembered. “No matter
what happens tonight, believe me when I tell you that I had no
intention of bringing you into this, and I am sorry.”
    He wrapped his hand around hers and together,
they walked toward the dilapidated structure. Michael felt a tug as
Liz stopped.
    She brought her free hand to the side of her
head. Hundreds of voices whispered at once. Brief images flickered
in her mind before winking out.
    “What is that? It's awful.”
    “You’ll learn to block it.” Michael pulled on
her hand urging her to continue.
    She pulled back. “No, wait. I'm not ready, I
need some time.” Fear and anger began to consume her. She felt the
darkness inside rise up, insidiously trying to gain control.
    Michael waited as she regained composure.
    Liz took a breath, straightened her
shoulders, and pushed against the instinctual rise. With a half
hearted smile, she shrugged. “Let's get this over with.”
    The buzzing continued as they went inside,
then slowly the consistent hum defined until she could distinguish
words and phrases in the din of voices--
    Her eyes snapped open. Liz heard faint
approving murmurs as the council members left her mind. The dull
ache in her head was replaced with a rhythmic pounding. Before her,
the small cloaked figure held out her hand. “You will come with
me.” Turning, she walked away.
    Liz had no choice. Her body moved like a
puppet, and the woman ahead of her controlled the strings. They
didn’t go far. Had she known that she was so close to where the
others were staying, she would have remained quiet in her cell.
They passed five doors and turned into the sixth.
    It looked nothing like her cell. Candles
glimmered and flickered all over the room. Sheets of maroon and
gold silk hung from the ceiling and covered the walls, giving it
the appearance of a prosperous sultan’s tent. Large decorative
urns, that must have been hundreds of years old, sat all around the
room. Several glass encased cabinets filled with collections of
silver goblets and candelabras lined the walls. Plush couches and
chairs were strategically placed here and there,

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