MacElvy an-ni-hil-ated!”
Her shrill siren voice rose, becoming louder and louder until the more sensitive in the court keeled over. Her body glowed as her magic built up, threatening to explode. Sparks flew. One landed on his hand, burning it briefly before he shook it off. He held his position and stifled the urge to bolt.
A flow of bodies pushed away from the thrones and impending destruction. He forced himself to stand firm, regard her steadily, and not think of escape. Whatever these witches had done to her, she was never going to forgive. No matter how sexy the girl was, no matter what hold she might give him over the queen, keeping her might have been a fatal mistake.
Haddon leaned over and whispered something to the queen. The tension in her body calmed. The sparks slowed. She nodded, a small infinitesimal nod, never looking away from Logan.
“You may go. For now, Huntsman.” Her use of the title informed him she felt she could still pull his chain. “I may have some use for you. But don’t think you are off the hook. I require penance.”
“By your leave, Your Majesty.”
He bowed and made his escape.
He headed for the doors at a calculated pace, his mind spinning. He exited into the now-deserted antechamber and almost tripped over Bosco.
“Well, well. She didn’t exterminate you.” Bosco’s eyes narrowed in speculation. “Yet.”
Logan moved past him, heading at a steady speed for the exit.
“Where are you off to in such a hurry, Huntsman?”
Logan winced at the title, but didn’t stop. He wasn’t waiting for the queen to change her mind and summon him back. He called over his shoulder, “The queen will need someone else to fill that role. Maybe you, Bosco?”
Not likely. Bosco’s hunting talents were not with horse and hound. Only Logan’s paternal bloodline had the Gifts of the hunt. Only Logan now.
“Oh, I think you’ll be filling the role for some time to come. Unless you want to come to the same end as your father?”
He continued walking, Bosco’s brittle laugh trailing after him.
Logan didn’t need Bosco’s reminder. Despite his hatred for his father, it still burned that the queen had ordered his father executed.
The queen had said he could go. He would be out of this section of Underhill as fast as possible. He wasn't released from his obligations completely, but he was not imprisoned. He would take what he could get. Use the breathing time to figure out a way to keep the queen from him.
And his new acquisition from the queen.
Chapter Four
They rode out of the portal and into the blaze of early morning sunrise. Logan blinked blearily at the dazzling light, pushed a knuckle into the corner of his eye and rubbed, nearly losing his seat as Solanum kicked his heels and twisted into a kicking buck.
“Hey! What the hell are you doing?” Logan clamped his legs tight, slamming his fist down hard between the puca’s ears.
“Shaking off portal mist.”
“Well stop. Let it dissipate on its own.” He dug deep into a cloak pocket searching for any possible sunglasses leftover from before his imprisonment. Giving up, he raised his hand and blocked the glare. “What day is it?”
“Don’t you ken how long we’ve been gone?” Solanum asked, ripping up another clump of Uncle Eirc’s prized flowers and chewing as he spoke.
“I should, but I’m knackered to the bone.” Logan’s empty stomach lurched as they approached the cottage. “Shit. It feels like two days.”
“It’s piper paying time, old son.” Solanum’s thick, black equine lips twisted into a leering grin, one tattered, white daisy hanging from the corner. “Your uncles will be wondering why you left them such a succulent present.”
“My uncles will tear me to pieces, leaving a tasty morsel for them to fight over.” Logan dismounted, rolling and stretching his shoulders until they cracked. He was too tired for this. “I should have warned her.”
“Nah. It’s early