The Dark Stranger: A Sharon Brown Erotic Romance

The Dark Stranger: A Sharon Brown Erotic Romance by Kathleen Robertson Read Free Book Online

Book: The Dark Stranger: A Sharon Brown Erotic Romance by Kathleen Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Robertson
pizza but she did not remember how she had ended up here. She rubbed her eyes and sat up, taking the room into focus.
    The room was decorated for a man, with rich carvings and heavy draperies. Thick, French carpets and beautiful boudoirs and furniture. She was sure that this was Jake’s room now. Sighing, she tried to get up and then fell back into bed.
    She was naked.
    Now, where were her clothes? She wondered. As if on cue, Jake entered the room holding a bathrobe.
    “Good morning.” He called out, cheerfully.
    “Morning.” She said and adjusted the blanket over her shoulders. Jake smiled at her conservative action as there weren’t many women who would be so conservative these days.
    “Are we sulking today?” Jake asked her, grinning.
    “No.” She said, giving him one of her sunny smiles.
    “Good enough.” He said. “I brought you a bath robe and picked up a dress for you. Shower and get dressed and I hope to see you downstairs in about half an hour.” Sharon just looked at him, her jaw open. He kissed her softly and clamped her jaw closed.
    “ Don’t let any fly go inside.” He said, chucked her on her head and left the room.
    Sharon quickly got dressed and put on the cream and black dress that was as unfamiliar to her as the house she was in. This was not out of her store; she was sure of that but reminded herself that she would discuss the issue with Jake once she had something in her stomach. Suddenly, she felt ravenous. She descended the spiral staircase and came to a wide hallway that resembled a hotel lobby. She was directed towards the dining room by one of the maids working there. She opened the door and stepped in; Jake was sitting at the dining table with a newspaper spread in front of him and a slice of buttered toast in his hands. Sharon stood there, looking at him, completely at ease with the familiar surroundings. She had never seen him like this and somehow she loved what she saw.
    She was truly, madly and deeply in love with him.
    Jake turned and saw her, standing there in cream and black dress, her molten hair tumbling down her back. She looked gorgeous and he scraped his seat back to walk to her.
    “You look beautiful.” He said, in her ear. “Come.” He didn’t sit until she was seated and flicked his finger, signaling the waiter to start serving the breakfast.
    “Mother, this is Sharon Brown. “He introduced her to his mother, who just entered the room and took her seat at the head of the table.
    “Finally, I have the honor of meeting you Sharon. Jake talks a lot about you.” Sarah said, beaming at her.
    “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Miss Mitchell.” Sharon said.
    “Call me Sarah.” Sarah instructed her. “I don’t believe in formalities. Shall we start?”
    “Sure.” Sharon said. They had an enjoyable breakfast when Sarah and Sharon conversed about her boutique, told her about her family and Sarah told her about her ideas for her books. Jake watched as the two women were conversing about the daily topics but his eyes were for Sharon only. She sparkled like diamond sitting there, talking animatedly with his mother completely at ease. Just then, Sharon looked at the clock on the opposite wall.
    “I think I should leave, I’m getting late for work.” She stood up.
    “I’ll drop you, Sharon. I’m leaving for my office anyway.” Jake said and stood up. As Sharon took her overnight clothes from the maid, Sarah turned to Jake.
    “Liam wants to come over and meet up with us. I told him the hour of six would be fine with us, please be home at that time.” She said. A muscle throbbed in Jake’s cheek when heard the name but he didn’t comment. He started to leave but Sarah stopped his by placing her hand on his arm.
    “Please, Jake. For my sake please.” She was literally begging him.
    “Fine. I will be here.” Jake said and walked out of the foyer.
    Gary stepped into Sharon’s office. It was two p.m. in the afternoon and he was carrying

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