little bit.
“Ellie, m a cherie, are you ok? Earl has just told me and he is not happy! He has told zee men zey have 30 minutes to clear out or security will help, zey all seem to be in shock too. Oh, ma cherie you must have a drink.” He walks me over to a table and sits me down.
“Honestly Pascal I’m fine, had Mr. Thomas not been there then I may not be able to say that.”
Pascal grabs Treys hand and shakes it vigorously, “Merci Monsieur Thomas, you saved our Ellie.”
Trey smiles and meets Pascal’s shake, “Well, I’m a sucker for a damsel in distress.”
“Drinks, come, you must have a drink and I get you food.”
“Pascal I’m really not hun..”
“Ellie, Marie would never forgive me.”
He claps his hands and shouts some orders that get s the staff moving, luckily the restaurant is nearly deserted.
A waiter rushes over and places two tumblers full of brandy in front of us.
“Can I have a beer please?” I ask before he can run away
“Yeah for me too thanks.” Trey adds.
The waiter nods and retreats, I knock back the brandy and as the warmth hits my throat it makes me shudder and Trey laughs in turn, knocking his back.
“How did you know?” I ask playing with my bangle.
“I’m sorry?”
“How did you know I was there? How did you end up rescuing me for the second time?”
I can barely look at him – ‘Oh come on woman, he’s only human, just square him in the eye and relax!’ I take a deep breath and look him in the eye.
A small smile graces his lips, “As I said, I warned your friend about him because he was acting like such a dick with his friends. Anyway, I was eating with some friends and I saw you leaving and he was keeping a steady eye on you. After about five minutes he left and I thought he may be following you.” He stops and takes a gulp of his beer that is placed in front of him and I drink mine. “I asked Michael to go and keep an eye on him.”
“Michael?” I ask.
“My bodyguard, well, my friend. He discreetly saw you leave the building for a cigarette.” He raises an eyebrow at me, oh wow, I’m being told off with the disapproving singular eyebrow lift.
Trey continues, “I dealt with some business and found Michael in the lobby, he pointed to where you’d gone and we heard you scream.” He balls up his fist and takes a huge breath, “That fucker is seriously lucky the security guy and Michael stopped me, I would have killed him.”
Okay, now I don’t know whether to be slightly apprehensive of this guy. I look down to the table where my hands are fidgeting, playing with my bangle.
Trey reaches across the table and grabs my hand, “But you’re safe and ok.”
I smile back to reassure him, though I don’t know if I fooled him or not, I certainly didn’t fool myself.
Pascal arrives back with two plates and places them in front of us.
“Nice!” Trey exclaims looking down at the food.
“Pascal honestly this is too much, I ate like an hour ago plus chef would have been cleaning up by now.” I am so embarrassed, I didn’t mean to be such a pain.
“Nonsense Ellie, zee minute I told Chef what had happened, he put zee oven on and shooed me away, he cooked up a treat wizout another word said.”
“Thank you Pascal and thank chef for me.”
Pascal squeezes my shoulder and leaves.
Sitting on the plate in front of me are two mini hamburgers, hand cut fries and a huge bowl of Caesar salad. I’m not sure I can eat it but I have to, it smells too good to let it go to waste. I start to tuck in and I am so un-lady like I literally shovel food in my mouth, the bigger the amount on my fork the better. I glance up at Trey and he too seems to be indulging himself.
We sit in silence and eat, occasionally making noises of agreement. Every now and then our eyes meet and I can’t help but look away nervously. My devil is shouting ‘ he caught you looking ’ my angel has given up and is doing the crossword holding up her hand to say