The Devil Colony

The Devil Colony by James Rollins Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Devil Colony by James Rollins Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Rollins
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Science-Fiction, adventure, Historical, Contemporary, Mystery
off the skull. A misty haze coalesced over its surface. She watched a drop of rain strike the golden surface—then freeze immediately into an icy teardrop.
    A collective gasp rose from the crowd behind her.
    She thought they’d witnessed the event, too—then she heard a scuff of boot on rock. She glanced up to see a thin girl in black jeans and jacket come leaping out of the cave a yard away, her ebony hair fanning out like wings of a raven. She clutched an arm around her jacket, but something slipped from beneath it and hit the stone with a clanging thud.
    It was one of the gold tablets.
    Ryan shouted for the thief to halt.
    Ignoring him, the girl turned, ready to flee toward the woods, but her foot slipped on the rain-dampened stone outside the cave. She stumbled, one arm pinwheeling for balance, sending her backpack tumbling. It rolled and came to rest near the crate. The girl came close to crashing down after it, but she gained her footing as effortlessly as a startled deer, turned on a toe, and leaped toward the edge of the forest.
    Maggie remained fixed in place, crouched over the open crate to protect it. She stared down, making sure the artifact was safe. In that short time, more raindrops had fallen—and frozen—decorating the golden surface with beads of ice.
    She reached and foolishly touched one, triggering a stinging snap. A painful jolt shot up her arm, but instead of being thrown back, she felt her arm pulled forward. Her palm struck the golden surface. With contact, the bones of her fingers suddenly ignited, burning through her flesh. Shock and horror clamped her throat shut. Her knees weakened.
    She heard Hank shout at her.
    Ryan bellowed, too.
    One word cut through the agony.
    12:34 P.M.
    The brilliant flash blinded Hank. One moment he was shouting at Maggie, the next his vision went white. A clap of thunder tried to crush his skull, immediately deafening him. An icy shock wave knocked him back like a cold slap from God. He hit the ground on his back, then he felt a strange tug on his body, pulling him toward the explosion.
    He fought against it, panicked down to the core. The sensation felt not only wrong, but fundamentally unnatural . He struggled against that tide with every fiber of his being.
    Then it was over, as quickly as it had begun.
    The inexorable pull popped away, releasing him. His senses snapped back. His ears filled with wails and screams. Images swirled into focus. He lay on his side, facing toward where Maggie had stood. He didn’t move, too stunned.
    She was gone—so were the crate, the skull, and most of the cliff, including the cave entrance.
    He raised up to an elbow and searched.
    There was no sign of her, no charred remains, no mangled body. Nothing but a blackened circle of steaming rock.
    He struggled up. Kawtch shimmied closer on his belly, cowering, tail between his leg. If Hank had a tail, he’d have done the same. He placed a reassuring palm on the dog’s side.
    “It’ll be okay.”
    He hoped it was true.
    By now, the crowd had regained its collective footing. A panicked exodus began. The news crew retreated to higher ground, shuffled back by a cordon of National Guard. Two soldiers manhandled the governor up the trail, a precaution in case there was another attack.
    Harry pictured the bag tossed by the girl. When it had landed by the crate, it had flapped open and its contents spilled out: cubes of yellowish-gray clay, embedded with wires.
    Major Ryan had immediately recognized the threat.
    Bomb .
    But the warning had come too late for Maggie.
    A knot of anger burned in the pit of his belly. He let it settle there as he pictured the attacker. From the girl’s burnished copper skin, brown eyes, and black hair, she was definitely Native American. A homegrown terrorist. As if matters here weren’t bad enough.
    Numb with grief, he stumbled toward the blast zone, needing to understand. To the side, Major Ryan picked up his helmet and placed it back on his

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