“Talk about what?” He was just barely able to hold a conversation; his fitness, while good, was nowhere near that of the machine next to him.
“I could hear what was going on. Don’t play dumb with me.”
“You gonna turn me in?”
Cathie snorted, her blond ponytail swinging at her emphatic shake of her head. “You kidding? Long overdue, if you ask me.”
He wondered if there was something more, a deeper reason, for the animosity Cathie displayed toward Amity. Cathie liked girls, so it wasn’t a competition thing as far as he could see, and either way, their relationship was strictly platonic—aside from the fact he was her boss.
Still, the past few weeks had made him suspect something else was at work there.
“I thought you wanted her fired?”
“A good hard spanking works too.” She glanced at him. “Any more tannings in her future?”
“That’s up to her.”
Cathie grinned. “Then that’s a yes.”
In truth, he hadn’t thought that far. Mostly because he’d been so shocked with what he’d discovered while spanking her. The fact that she’d become aroused had almost made him stop right there. Not because it was wrong, but mainly because it spun up entirely new possibilities, completely unforeseen consequences to starting down this path with her. Yes, it had been almost pure instinct that had made him offer the crazy ultimatum. Part of him just knew though, that there was something else there.
If she wasn’t an actual submissive, then at least something about it fascinated her. He could see it in her body language, the way she deferred—both physically and verbally—to him, and not just when she was facing a spanking. The way she’d lower her eyes when he was giving her an instruction, the times he’d discovered her watching him as he walked back to Exam from the lobby, her guilty gaze sliding away, knowing she’d been caught.
Amity’s comparatively obedient manner—despite her mouthiness—when she’d been spanked was another thing entirely . As he’d spanked that big bottom of hers—the sight and feel of it even sweeter than he’d ever have imagined—he’d been amazed at her stoicism, at her willingness to obey, to endure. Because he’d told her to.
It was during her spanking that he’d reconsidered his earlier assessment. Her wet pussy, the fragrance filling his nostrils as he slapped her bottom, simply confirmed it.
Amity was definitely submissive.
The question now was—did she even know it? He’d encountered a few women in the past who seemed to have that instinct, but whether it was societal conditioning, or a deep-seated denial, they’d never chosen to pursue it or even acknowledge it. A true tragedy, in his opinion, but alas, he’d seen it more often than he cared to admit.
He hoped—if anything actually came of this—that Amity would be different.
Just what the fuck do you expect to come of this, Dane? She’s your goddamned employee.
“Earth to Dane.” Cathie shoved his shoulder, her stride not missing a beat. “Did you hear what I said?”
“Don’t make me pull rank, nurse.”
“Jesus. You weren’t listening, were you?”
That edge had crept into her voice, the same one he imagined the poor girls kneeling at her feet often heard.
He shrugged his shoulder. “Nope. Sorry.”
Cathie rolled her eyes. “What’s next? Do you think she’s…?”
He thought a moment. There wasn’t any reason not to tell her. Cathie was a domme through and through, and as a domme she’d still understand his thought processes, weighing the pros and cons. Chances and probabilities.
“Yeah, I think she is,” Dane said. “I’ve been wrong a time or two, but she shows all the signs. She’s either submissive or she definitely leans that way.”
“Why, though? What makes you think so? I’m guessing she didn’t come right out and say it.”
“She didn’t need to—her wet cunt told me more than any words could.”
He smiled, enjoying the