The Doctor Wears A Stetson (Contemporary Western Romance)
scents of fried chicken, meatloaf and
fresh-baked bread wafted in the air. Cameron looked around, spotted
an empty booth and made his way across the crowded room. Old
friends and neighbors greeted him from all sides. He stopped
several times to exchange howdy-dos and good-to-see-yous. So much
for the quiet intimate dinner he'd planned.
    As soon as he sat down, the door opened and
in walked Jessie. Damn, she looked good. The sweater she wore
hugged her pretty breasts and her feminine curves filled the tight
slacks. Desire riveted through his body. He was starving for a
taste of her. Later, he promised himself. Dinner first, kisses
    She didn't see him at first as she scanned
the room, so he stood and waved. She smiled and nodded and started
weaving her way around the tables. Of course, she had to pause
every few feet and say hello to people. When he couldn't stand the
wait any longer, Cameron moved toward her. Ignoring the raised
eyebrows and knowing smiles, he grasped Jessie's elbow and
practically dragged her from the Johnson's table, where she stood
    "What do you think you're doing?" she said
in a furious whisper.
    Cameron helped her into the booth and slid
in on the opposite side. "You're having dinner with me, not half
the town."
    Jessie narrowed her eyes and sat back,
crossing her arms over her chest. "I've known these people all my
life. And so have you, if you bothered to look around."
    "I already looked around and said my hellos,
while I was waiting for you."
    "So you haven't completely forgotten the
friendship and fellowship of living in a small town," she said.
    "No, I haven't forgotten--"
    He fell silent when a tall woman with gray
hair rushed up to the table, carrying menus and two glasses of ice
    "Evenin', Jessie. I'm running late. Just got
here and we're short staffed tonight." Sarah Sue handed her a menu
then turned to Cameron and nearly spilled the water when
recognition dawned. "Good lord! If it isn't Cameron McCade! How you
doing, darlin'?"
    She set his water and menu on the table and
bent down to hug him. "It's right nice to see you again. You
haven't been in my café in a coon's age."
    "It has been a while. I'm very glad to be
back." He shot a challenging look at Jessie. She just smiled at him
over her menu.
    Sarah Sue patted his cheek, just as if he
were fifteen years old, instead of thirty-five. "You always were a
handsome boy. Broke all the girls' hearts when you left Salt Fork.
You here for Ruth's birthday?"
    "Wouldn't miss it for the world."
    "Well, I'm sure Ruth is mighty glad you're
home. Y'all ready to order, or do you need a minute?"
    "I think we're ready. Here, I don't need the
menu." Cameron handed it back to Sarah Sue. "I know exactly what we
want . . . give us two orders of chicken-fried steak and two pieces
of chocolate cake. That okay with you, Jess?"
    Jessie nodded and closed her menu.
    Sarah Sue grabbed a yellow pencil from
behind her ear and jotted down the order. She stood a moment,
looking from Jessie to Cameron, then winked before heading to the
    Shaking her head, Jessie's cheeks turned
pink as she squeezed the lemon slice into her water, then took a
    "You're beautiful when you blush," Cameron
said. "I want to kiss you again. I want to do a lot more than just
kiss you."
    Jessie nearly choked on her ice water. With
a trembling hand, she set the glass down, sloshing water onto the
table. Grabbing a napkin, she dabbed haphazardly at the droplets,
her face rosier than ever.
    "Here, let me help." He reached over and
used his napkin to sop up the puddle. His hand brushed against
hers, and he frowned when Jessie jerked back as if she'd touched a
live coal.
    Cameron folded his napkin. Had he shocked
her? It wasn't like when they were kids and she'd been untouched.
He gripped the napkin tightly in his hand, wishing he could have
been the one to touch her first. Jessie had always been special. He
had wanted her that night on Lovers' Point. He ached from

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