The Dragon Stirs

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Book: The Dragon Stirs by Lynda Aicher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynda Aicher
up behind its long horns and ran down to garnish his jawline. From its snout, there were two long, tightly coiled threads of hair extending from each side of his nostrils reminiscent of the old Asian mustaches.
    Small tendrils of grey smoke floated up from his nose and pushed higher with each exhalation of breath. Sharp, pinpoint claws were evident on the tip of each of its five toes. Five, the sign of royalty—most Shifters had three toes when they shifted into dragon form. Top ranking generals and commanders earned four toes. This was the first dragon she’d ever seen with the infamous fifth toe.
    The cage itself sat on an isolated island plateau in the middle of a large, open area. Sheer cliffs dropped straight down from the ledge and descended to a large pit of molten, simmering lava. Flames danced and leaped from the fire pit and explained the sulfur smell that suffocated the space. 
    Three men stood on a thin ledge around the perimeter of the black, metal cage. The owners of the voices they’d heard. Her gut twisted tighter at the visual confirmation of what she’d already known.
    In the middle stood her great grandfather, Tubal. Flanking him on each side were his brothers, Moshech and Rosh. Together, they comprised the Shifter leadership. 
    “This will be the year.” Rosh inclined his head in confidence. “The years of waiting, of preparation, will finally be over.”
    Tubal folded his arms across his chest and rocked back on his heels. “It certainly looks that way, but we can’t be too confident.” He reached out and gave one of the bars a good shake. “The bars are still strong right now.”
    “But he stirs,” Rosh insisted pointing to the smoke tendrils that lifted from the dragon’s nostrils. “We’ve never seen that before.”
    “Do you think he caused the energy buckle?” The third man, Moshech, tipped his head to indicate the dragon.
    Tubal shrugged. “It’s a good guess, but we don’t know for certain.” He pushed away from the bar. “The energy blip was certainly strong enough to wake him. But, did he cause it? I have my doubts.”
    “It wasn’t centered from here.” Tubal scanned the area. Airiana and Louk quickly pulled their heads back. “And, it had a different vibe to it…something new.”
    Louk shot a look of question at her. The energy shift they’d felt was felt by others too? And it was different? How? 
    “The apocalypse is coming,” Moschech confirmed. “The veil will finally be lifted, and the battle can commence in the open.”
    Airiana slowly eased her head back out to watch the men some more. The sick churn of dread festered in her gut. Those men—her relatives, her family—would not stop until they controlled all of the energy on earth. Including their ultimate goal, the human energy. 
    The Shifters had never been about balance, never preached control or moderation. It was all or nothing. They fostered and cultured the worst energy. The dark, negative energy that festered in the evil and corruption they pushed.
    Rosh laughed, a flat, emotionless burst of sound. “When Gog is released, the Energen will be crushed. There are none who can stand against his power. Then the humans will be ours to control. The energy will belong to us.” He pumped his fist in emphasis.
    The manic tint to the words sent icy chills over Airiana’s skin. Louk found her hand and squeezed as if he understood what she was feeling. Instantly, the chills were replaced by his heat. The warmth spread through her body and surrounded her soul. 
    She sighed and closed her eyes, the relief instantaneous. His energy answered her long festering question; she couldn’t be a part of what those men wanted to do. 
    She felt Louk stiffen, his breath hitched. Her eyes flew open, and she froze.
    Across the span, over the dancing flames and harsh rasping echoes, the dragon watched them. His bright emerald eyes glinted against the light, mesmerizing in their clarity. Stunning in the

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