Mun, Comte Albert de
Right-wing deputy and monarchist who supported Pope Leo XIII’s ralliement – the acceptance of a republican form of government.
Münster von Derneburg, Graf Georges-Herbert
German Ambassador to France.
Nisard, Armand
Director of Political Affairs at the French Foreign Office, the Quai d’Orsay.
Ormescheville, Major Besson d’
Judge advocate (investigating magistrate) at the first court martial held in Paris. Cross-examined Alfred Dreyfus on 14 November 1894.
Paléologue, Maurice
Assistant to Armand Nisard at the French Foreign Office with responsibility for liaison with military intelligence (the Statistical Section). Witnessed Dreyfus’s degradation in 1895 and was both witness and observer at his second court martial in Rennes.
Panizzardi, Major Alessandro
Military attaché at the Italian Embassy in Paris. Friend and lover of Maximilian von Schwartzkoppen.
Parfait, Captain
Judge at the Rennes court martial.
Paty de Clam, Commandant Ferdinand du
Officer of the General Staff. Ordered by his cousin, General de Boisdeffre, to investigate the bordereau and subsequently to build up a case against Alfred Dreyfus.
Pays, Marguerite
Esterhazy’s mistress; previously the mistress of the journalist Ponchon de Saint-André, alias Boisandré of La Libre Parole .
Péguy, Charles
Socialist poet and essayist. Ardent Dreyfusard. Later converted to Catholicism. Close friend of Bernard Lazare.
Pelletier, Eugène
Handwriting expert. Judged that the handwriting of the bordereau was not that of Alfred Dreyfus.
Pellieux, General Georges de
Commander of the army in the department of the Seine. Ordered by General Saussier to conduct the investigation into Esterhazy after he was accused by Mathieu Dreyfus of being the traitor. Became a convinced anti-Dreyfusard.
Picard, Captain Ernest
Jewish officer marked down at the École de Guerre at the same time as Dreyfus.
Picquart, Colonel Georges
Succeeded Colonel Sandherr as head of the Statistical Section in July 1895. Attended the first court martial as representative of the Ministry of War.
Poincaré, Raymond
Minister of Finance at the time of Dreyfus’s arrest. Belated Dreyfusard. President of France during the First World War.
Profillet, Major
Judge at the second court martial at Rennes.
Reinach, Joseph
Radical politician and early Dreyfusard. Nephew of Baron Jacques de Reinach, compromised by the Panama Canal scandal. Wrote Histoire de l’Affaire Dreyfus .
Roche, Jules
Nationalist Deputy. Patron of Esterhazy. Possible Minister of War.
Rochefort, Henri Marquis de
Former Communard who escaped from the penal colony in New Caledonia. Nationalist and anti-Semite. Founded L’Intransigeant .
Roget, General Gaudérique
Assessor of Dreyfus at the École Militaire; chief of the Fourth Bureau of the General Staff; Adjutant to Cavaignac at the Ministry of War. Anti-Dreyfusard.
Rothschild, Baron Edmond de
Fellow pupil of Charles Walsin-Esterhazy at the Lycée Condorcet. Sent him 2,000 francs.
Sandherr, Colonel Jean
Chief of French military intelligence, the Statistical Section. Replaced by Picquart on 1 July 1895. Died in 1897.
Saussier, General Félix
Military Governor of Paris from 1884 and later Vice-President of Army Council, i.e. commander-in-chief designate in the event of war. Friend and patron of Commandant Maurice Weil.
Scheurer-Kestner, Auguste
Deputy for Haut-Rhin (Alsace) in National Assembly in 1871, last representative from Alsace before its annexation by Germany. Vice-President of the Senate and Senator for Life. Early Dreyfusard. Died in 1899.
Schwartzkoppen, Lieutenant-Colonel Maximilian von
Military attaché at the German Embassy in Paris, 1891–7.
Schwob, Suzanne
Wife of Mathieu Dreyfus.
Straus, Geneviève (née Halévy)
Dreyfusard salonnière . Widow of the composer Georges Bizet;