The Durham Deception

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Book: The Durham Deception by Philip Gooden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Philip Gooden
Tags: Mystery
crediting this bizarre combination.
    â€˜It’s an odd thing but I believe magicians in general are honest folk. At least they make no bones about tricking you, which takes a kind of honesty.’
    â€˜Will he be believed though?’ said Tom, thinking it was peculiar that Mackenzie’s words were an echo of what Helen’s mother had said about magicians. ‘Will Major Marmont be believed even if he swears an affidavit?’
    â€˜Those who want to think ill of Major Marmont will continue to do so but others may be swayed by knowing he has made such a statement.’
    â€˜Where is this gentleman magician playing at the moment? In London?’
    â€˜Why no, he is touring in the north of the country for the summer. You can catch up with him in York or Durham.’
    â€˜In Durham?’
    â€˜Yes, a very fine city.’
    â€˜Forgive me for asking, Mr Mackenzie, but has Mrs Scott been in touch with you? Helen’s mother?’
    â€˜She has spoken to me, I’m prepared to admit. I understand that there is some family problem which she wishes Helen to deal with in Durham. But my request to you is separate from that, quite separate, although you will be able to kill two birds with a single stone, as it were. Of course you should accompany your wife on her journey north. As I say, it should make an interesting trip. You can listen to old Marmont’s tales of the orient.’
    David Mackenzie paused to fiddle with his pipe. He squinted at Tom through the fug, as if the other might raise some objection. But Tom couldn’t think of anything to say. It was an odd task, going to see a retired army man about a ceremonial dagger, but not so very odd perhaps. Lawyers were sometimes expected to do out-of-the-way things. The coincidence was that Durham had been mentioned as a destination a couple of times in as many weeks. He suspected collusion between Mrs Scott and Mr Mackenzie, especially because they seemed to have the same opinion of magicians. He’d discuss it with Helen when he got home.
    But before that Tom dropped in on Ashley, the senior clerk.
    â€˜A strange affair as you said, Mr Ashley. This business of the dagger and so on.’
    â€˜Ah, the Dagger of Lucknow,’ said Ashley.
    â€˜In northern India. Consult your atlas, Mr Ansell.’
    â€˜It is quicker to consult you, Mr Ashley. Next you’ll be telling me the dagger is cursed, I suppose.’
    Tom meant it as a joke and was surprised to see Ashley’s forehead grow even more corrugated.
    â€˜It may not be cursed exactly but there is a story attached to it. During the siege of Lucknow . . . you have heard of that, Mr Ansell?’
    â€˜The siege in the Mutiny?’
    â€˜Yes, the Indian Mutiny. A historic event within your lifetime and well within mine. It seems that our client, Major Sebastian Marmont, acquired the dagger while undertaking a dangerous mission. He was a junior officer at the time. It appears he was given the dagger as a gift by his Indian companion.’
    â€˜You say “seems” and “appears”, Mr Ashley.’
    â€˜I have been working at this firm since . . . well, for a long time, Mr Ansell. I am cautious when I venture an opinion or report a story. I do know for a fact, however, that there was some question about the provenance of the Lucknow Dagger. A few years ago Major Marmont got wind of some tittle-tattle which was to appear in one of the London papers and he instructed us to send a letter, a shot across the bows if you like. Nothing was published.’
    â€˜But now the rumours have started again.’
    â€˜So it seems.’
    â€˜This Major Marmont is really a magician? I could hardly believe it when Mr Mackenzie said so.’
    â€˜Oh yes. Mr Mackenzie has a soft spot for magicians. He – that is, Mr Mackenzie – used to do conjuring tricks for his children at Christmas.’
    â€˜I did not even

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