The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online

Book: The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
Zack thought he saw doubt in the soldier's eyes.
    Zack was knocked backwards as the lead soldiers barged him out of the way, as three others quickly followed him in through the door. "Get out of my way you insolent little runt, I'll deal with you in a minute. Search the rooms," he turned to his men walking in behind him. He turned back, "Some of you search around the back and outbuildings," he ordered those men still outside.
    Melia stepped aside, as helpless to stop them as Zack had proven to be. There was clearly worry on both their faces, which turned into despair as one of the man headed straight for the bedroom. Zack had to try to think quickly, it was clear the soldier did not hold his position in high esteem, either that or he was too stupid to recognise the mark of royalty.
    Realising the main room was devoid of any others, the man in charge turned his attention back to Zack. The others could still be heard clattering around in the other rooms. "Right you little brat, now I'll show you what happens to people who do not do as they're told," he said pulling his dagger from his belt. Melia placed a hand out, "You leave him alone!" she shouted. The man laughed, "Ooh look everyone, the little boy has got himself a girlfriend."
    Melia screamed as the man clamped a vice like grip around her wrist and pulled her aside. Whilst holding her with one hand he slowly moved the point of his dagger towards Zack's throat, "Now firstly I think I'll take that shiny gold ring from that finger of yours."
    "Leave him alone," Melia screeched, one more time,
    however, she was not strong enough to help either herself or Zack.
    Zack backed against a wall, and could go no further as the shining point was pressed against the skin of his neck. "Now I shall not ask again boy," the man snapped throwing Melia aside. With his now free hand the soldier wrapped his fingers around Zack's throat. He moved his head forward and squeezed, as the young royal started making a choking sound as the grip around his neck tightened. Melia screamed out once more, but found herself being grabbed, by one of the other soldiers in the room.
    There was a massive crashing sound come from one of the rooms, and everyone was stunned to silence. "Leave them be," said a voice that boomed. Everybody turned to look towards the bedroom door, or what was left of it hanging from the hinges. "Maxim...No," Melia screamed. "Get him," somebody shouted, "That's the killer," shouted another. The man holding Zack's throat let go and the youngster slumped down to the floor, before Melia quickly scrambled over to make sure he was okay.
    Maxim was not certain what he was doing, nor was he certain what he had just done. When he had been hiding under the bed, one of the soldiers had found him and grabbed his arm. After a few seconds of him trying to push the man away, the entire bed and most of the other furniture had smashed against the wall. He stood up to see the man who had found him crumpled in a heap, as broken as the timbers that had made the bed.
    All the men in the room pulled their swords, as they tried to circle around. If indeed this young red haired boy was as dangerous as the stories had them believe, then they would need to strike him quickly. "Kill him," the man in charge shouted. "His body will be proof enough," he added replacing his dagger and drawing his own sword. Melia closed her eyes whilst the attention of the soldiers was elsewhere. She placed her soft hand over Zack's throat, and could sense no lasting damage, just severe bruising most likely, which she healed away. She opened her eyes to see Zack open his, and they both turned to face the events taking place.
    Maxim stood firm, his eyes were blood red, and he held his hands out at his side, as if waiting to strike. "They'll kill him," Melia shrieked fearing the worst. Maxim spoke again; the voice sounded almost unearthly. "Get out of here!" he said. It was clear a few of them were

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