The Enclave (The Verge)

The Enclave (The Verge) by H.M. Clarke Read Free Book Online

Book: The Enclave (The Verge) by H.M. Clarke Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.M. Clarke
as Fred Johnson addressed her.
    “Sorry to disturb you skipper, but a high priority FTL transmission has just come in for you.”
    “Thank you Johnson, patch it through.”  Katherine turned to the optic screen while running a hand through her hair to neaten it.  Luckily she only took off her jacket and her boots before collapsing onto her bed.
    She blinked in surprise when Johnson’s face was suddenly replaced by a frozen Admiral Baverstock’s.  In the top corner of the screen flashed the secure password icon.
    “Alpha Tango Motel five eight Indigo Sierra Niner, Commander Katherine Kirk Authorize.”  She rattled o ff her encryption authorization automatically and waited for the security software to clear the communication for viewing.  The words Security Access Confirmed flashed briefly across the frozen image, and then the message began to play.
    “I know this message will get you out of bed but I would prefer you heard this news from me now rather than later on the military channels.  Or the media.”  The Admiral sat behind the desk in his office.  And he looked angry.  “We didn’t get Hyde.  He wasn’t on board when Battle Group Two took his ship.  And from what we could get from the crew he hadn’t been on board for months.  We are now back at square one Commander.  It looks as if he’s moved to a new ship with a new crew, the man could be anywhere.”  The Admiral looked away from the screen for a moment as Katherine heard the door to his office open.  There was a soft murmur and he gave a nod and she heard the door close.  “I’m sorry Katherine.”  Baverstock leaned forward and the screen went blank and was then replaced by an End of transmission banner.
    Katherine stared incomprehensively at the screen.  I’ve got to be dreaming , but the tired ache in her bones told her she was not.  Hyde wasn’t there?  How can he not be there?  
    Springing up from her bed, Katherine frantically paced her cabin.  Thoughts churned in her mind, feeding the tight knot in her belly.  Naval intelligence said he’d be there!  How can it be so wrong?  They had virtually guaranteed his capture after telling the Adelaide that our information was wrong.
    Her pacing bought Katherine back to the bedside and the flashing End Secure Transmission screen.  Jabbing a finger at the console, the screen changed as the terminal waited for Katherine’s call to be answered.  Then Richard Coulthard’s sleep creased face appeared.
    “What is it Katherine?”  Coulthard asked rubbing at his eyes with the heels of his hands.
    “I want a meeting with the Department Heads at 0600,” Katherine snapped.
    Coulthard suddenly looked more awake.  “What’s happened?”
    “I’ll tell you at the meeting.  Just make sure all the Department Heads are there.  I want no excuses.”
    “Yes Ma’am.”
    Katherine abruptly cut the connection ignoring her XO’s sudden formality.  She was too angry to do anything more than pace at the moment.  They would have to start the hunt for Hyde all over again, but this time the Adelaide will not put all its trust in information from naval intelligence.  They will not be screwed over by them again.
    The meeting ended in uproar with veiled abuse being aimed at RANSIO.  Katherine was glad that it was not common knowledge that her brother was a ‘Sid operative.  And now the feeling of the ship had changed.  Before this meeting, even though the crew was pissed off, there was a sense of resolution.  All that had now vanished. 
    Now they were all back at the beginning with no idea of what Hyde had been up to for the last three months.  The Alliance black ops must be sitting back and congratulating themselves over making a fool of the Federation.  Bastards!
    And now her brother has requested a private meeting to discuss the ‘real purpose’ of this mission.  They had gone through the system Stargate during her brief moment of sleep and had exited through the closest

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