The Everlasting Covenant

The Everlasting Covenant by Robyn Carr Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Everlasting Covenant by Robyn Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn Carr
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical
There is no lacking within you, Brennan, ” she had said. “ ‘ Tis I. I fear I will not please you. ”
    It was the truth, for she had begun to curse her inability to accept such good fortune. There was not a man in the land who would make a better husband than Brennan Forbes. Even Dylan, she well knew, could not offer so much. His temper was shorter, his passion for all things was not only quicker, but richer and deeper, and he would not be a docile mate. Sometimes frivolous, sometimes deadly serious, she wondered if a life of flight and hiding would cause him to one day resent her. It would take strength to share Dylan ’ s pallet, when all Brennan wished to do was spoil and pamper her. However, Dylan was the man she loved. It was then that the realization came to her as it had earlier come to Dylan -- this was not a love they willingly struggled to keep alive, as in those first early days. It was a love neither of them could deny. She hoped it would not lead to their doom.
    Yet Dylan did not come, and Brennan visited regularly . And in the month of October old Minerva, Anne ’ s nurse since birth, fell ill and bedridden. The lonely days stretched out longer as Anne sat vigil by Minerva ’ s bed while the rest of her family plotted wars and reigns.
    Minerva had lived in Raedelle all of her sixty-seven years. She had taken Ferris from the womb and nursed him, and she had tended others of the Gifford house, and each of Ferris ’ s children. Of the entire family, it was only Anne and Ferris who suffered when she fell ill. From her rasping breath and fevered form, they knew death was imminent.
    Ferris placed his hand on his daughter ’ s shoulder and looked down at his dying nurse. “ Go on, lass, ” he said softly. “ I ’ ll sit here for a time with my old love. ”
    “ She is no better, Papa, ” Anne whispered. “ Her fever does not break and she can barely breathe. The midwife and the leech know of nothing more to do. ”
    “ I know that, lass. She has had a long life. You have been a faithful ward. You alone sit with old Minerva. ”
    Tears began to gather in Anne ’ s eyes. She knew that her beloved servant would die. This woman, not her own mother, brought her through childhood with love and tenderness. There were few enoug h remedies for serious illness – none for old age. And it hurt her deeply that none of the other children nor their mother, all of whom Minerva had served so faithfully, paid homage in this sickroom.
    There was a faint stirring in the bed, and Minerva opened her eyes. For a moment her stare was blank as she looked at Ferris and Anne, and then recognition cleared her gaze. A weak smile touched her lips. “ Ferris, my boy, ” she whispered. “ Get this sweet child from this foul place. ”
    Anne picked up Minerva ’ s hot bony hand and rubbed it against her cheek. “ I would stay with you, my dear. ”
    “ Death is unpleasant enough, without being seen by one with such life, ” the old nurse said. “ Let me talk to my boy. Come back in an hour. ”
    Anne exchanged troubled glances with her father.
    “ Walk about in the cool air, lass. Clear your head of this sickroom and come back later. She ’ ll be here. ”
    Anne left as she was told, wandering about Raedelle Castle absentmindedly. She paused briefly to watch as Quentin prac ticed arms in the courtyard in front of the hall with other knights. Quentin would be the next baron of Raedelle, and she had no trouble imagining him in that role. Though he strongly resem bled their mother, his temp erament was more even than Mar cella ’ s. Quentin loved soldiering, and he loved Raedelle. He was not soft, but sometimes kind. Quentin was usually fair- minded, as was borne out when he reprimanded Bart at the feast following the tournament. Quentin was large, thick, and som ber. He excelled at knightly arts, mostly because of his natural bulk and strength. But he was not ambitious. He would inherit Raedelle and there was little

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