and poco may be used to replace nouns (in which case they don’t need to follow rules of agreement) or as adjectives (in which case they do need to agree with the noun they modify). In English, these words have different translation depending on their use. Compare: a lot and much/many; a little and few/little.
Practice Makes Perfect
Provide the right subject pronouns in Spanish:
the boys
you (informal) and I
you (formal) and I
Elena, Marta, Diana, y Martín
two of you (informal)
el primo
Choose the right form of address (tú, usted, vosotros, ustedes) for each person:
el profesor de matemáticas
tus amigos
tu hermana menor
tus abuelos
una mujer en la calle
los lectores de tu escritura
Fill in the correct direct object pronoun:
1. Tú compraste una minifalda linda.
___________________ Tú compraste.
2. Ellos están buscando a sus tíos.
___________________ Ellos están buscando.
3. Veo a ustedes desde la ventana.
___________________ veo desde la ventana.
4. Ella encontró a nosotros en el bar.
Ella ___________________ encontró en el bar.
Fill in the correct indirect object pronoun:
1. El doctor ___________________ tapó a Mariano las rodillas.
2. Nuestra tía ___________________ regaló a nosotros muchos juguetes.
3. Nosotros ___________________ decimos a ustedes la verdad.
4. Mi mamá ___________________ dijo a mí que debo estudiar muy bien.
Fill in the correct possessive pronoun:
1. Los llaves de Elena son ___________________ llaves.
2. El coche mío es ___________________ coche.
3. Los estudios de nosotros son ___________________ estudios.
4. El cuarto tuyo es ___________________ cuarto.
5. El dibujo de Mario es ___________________ dibujo.
6. Los proyectos de Antonio y Selena son ___________________ proyectos.
To check your answers, refer to the answer key in Appendix D.
Adjectives and Adverbs
ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS are parts of speech that modify (or describe) other parts of speech and don’t have meaning on their own. Adjectives modify nouns; qualifying adjectives (adjetivos calificativos) describe the noun’s qualities and traits; and determinant adjectives (adjetivos determinativos) signal the noun’s number, order, or location (determinant adjectives are identical to determinant pronouns, except in the way they are used in the sentence). Adverbs have four possible roles: an adverb may be used to modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a verbal phrase.
In Agreement
Adjectives must agree with the nouns they modify. When you learn a new adjective as a vocabulary word, you’ll see it presented in the masculine/singular form. Additionally, most adjectives have a plural form, and many have feminine/singular and feminine/plural endings as well.
Frequently, an adjective’s masculine/singular form will end in –o. If such is the case, its three other forms are –a, –os, and –as. Take a look at the adjective rojo as an example:
cabello rojo
red hair
chaqueta roja
red jacket
labios rojos
red lips
medias rojas
red socks
Almost all other adjectives end with a consonant or –e . These adjectives generally don’t change to reflect gender—that is, they only have two forms: singular and plural. The plural form is constructed by adding –es to adjectives that end in consonant and –s to adjectives that end in –e:
el pasto verde
the green pasture
la almohada verde
the green pillow
los camiones verdes
the green trucks
las céspedes verdes
the green lawns
el cielo azul
the blue sky
la pared azul
the blue wall
los ojos azules
the blue eyes
las velas azules
the blue candles
Don’t forget that adding –es in the plural may necessitate a