The Executioner

The Executioner by Chris Carter Read Free Book Online

Book: The Executioner by Chris Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Carter
Tags: thriller, Mystery
both detectives. ‘If the mayor’s only beef with you is because you tapped his wife, that’s something he’s gonna have to live with. I don’t have time for that crap. So in answer to your question, Detective Hunter – no, I don’t think I made a mistake.’
    Hunter couldn’t fault her. She really knew how to play her cards right.

    Barbara Blake didn’t allow the silence to settle.
    ‘So what have we got on this new case?’
    Hunter proceeded to tell her the little they had so far on Father Fabian’s murder.
    ‘Goddamnit,’ she spat the word. ‘So this killer’s probably killed twice before?’
    ‘It’s possible, but it isn’t a certainty,’ Hunter replied, pinching his chin.
    Captain Blake lifted her eyebrows, inviting him to carry on.
    ‘The number three could mean Father Fabian’s the third victim or it could mean something else.’
    ‘Like what?’
    ‘I’m not sure. Something important to the killer, or Father Fabian, or both. The truth is that we don’t know yet and it’s irresponsible to make assumptions this early.’
    ‘OK, I can go with that,’ Captain Blake agreed. ‘Do you think the altar boy could be involved? It’s not unheard of.’
    ‘I don’t think so,’ Hunter replied.
    ‘Why not?’
    ‘It takes a certain kind of person to be able to kill someone the way Father Fabian was killed. Hermano isn’t physically or mentally strong enough. He’s only fourteen.’
    ‘We’d also be missing motive,’ Garcia cut in. ‘And we already deducted the killer is about six-two. Hermano is five-six, five-seven tops.’
    ‘How did you figure out the killer’s height?’
    Garcia started explaining, but after thirty seconds the captain raised her right hand, stopping him. ‘Forget I asked.’ She returned to her seat and faced Hunter. ‘What’re your initial feelings on this?’
    ‘We have only one victim so far, and that gives us nothing to establish a consistent pattern. Initial analysis of the crime scene indicates the UNSUB is very strong, skilled, intelligent, methodical and brutal. Despite the savagery of what we found in the church, Father Fabian’s murder was well planned.’
    ‘Methodical and planned?’ She frowned. ‘From what I’ve heard, there was blood everywhere. An extremely messy crime scene. Doesn’t that indicate rage and loss of control?’
    ‘In most cases, yes.’
    She waited for Hunter to go on. He didn’t. ‘Care to develop, detective?’ she pushed.
    ‘The Seven Saints crime scene might appear messy to an outsider, but not to the killer. The bloodstains and splatters were exactly where he wanted them to be. It was a controlled and planned mess.’
    Hunter leaned forward on his seat and ran his hand over his nose and mouth. ‘What we have so far indicates so.’
    ‘Baptism of fire for you, Barbara,’ William Bolter said, approaching the window behind her desk.
    ‘I’ll assign an extra officer to you,’ she announced, looking at Hunter. ‘It should help with the legwork. If you need any more, let me know. I’ve also already moved you two to the special operations room upstairs. You’ll need the extra space. I’ve set up an anonymous tip line. I know they usually cause more headaches than anything else, but who knows? We might get lucky.’ Captain Blake paused and flipped through a few pieces of paper on her desk. ‘With the press already all over this case and a pissed-off mayor, there’ll be a lot of pressure on us to come up with answers . . . and fast.’

    The special operations room was spacious and well lit. Two metal desks already equipped with computer terminals and telephones occupied the center of the room. A fax machine sat on a small wooden table in the corner. A large, nonmagnetic marker board and a half-empty bookcase covered most of the west wall. In the opposite corner was an old-fashioned cork-board. It was mounted onto wheeled pedestals and stood next to two battered gray metal filing

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