The Final Line

The Final Line by Kendall McKenna Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Final Line by Kendall McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendall McKenna
Tags: gay romance, military
edges of his mind, Sean hovered.
    Late in the afternoon, Corey flopped down in his rack and threw an arm over his eyes to block the light. He wondered if he could catch a nap. It didn’t take long before his mind wandered back to Sean. Corey hadn’t been this attracted to a man in at least five years.
    He managed to doze for about an hour. When Corey woke, he realized he was going back to the bar tonight to see Sean. He ran his thumb and forefinger over his eyes. He had to do something, he couldn’t go on like this. Sean seemed okay with Corey’s issues. Maybe they could jerk each other off a couple of times and Corey could get Sean out of his fucking system.
    He took his time showering, being more thorough than usual. Back in his room, he applied a little cologne, not enough to end up smelling like a back alley rentboy. Corey laughed at himself when he couldn’t decide what to wear. He was acting like a nervous virgin getting ready for his first date.
    Giving himself a mental kick in the ass, Corey admitted he was going to show off what he had and hope Sean wanted to get a closer look. His jeans were faded to the perfect shade. They hugged his ass and rode low on his hips. The button front black shirt he selected had short sleeves that barely fit over his biceps, leaving the muscles of his arms on full display. Corey left several buttons open, revealing the skin of his chest and the edges of his dog tags.
    Checking himself in the mirror, he saw the lower edge of his First Recon skull and crossbones tattoo on his right shoulder. The eagle, globe and anchor over his heart was partially visible, too. He hoped Sean liked tattoos.
    Corey’s taxi was waiting for him when he reached the main gate. He climbed in and gave the driver the name and address of the bar. He realized he was going to arrive pretty fucking early, Sean might not even be there, yet.
    The taxi dropped him off just after 2000 hours. He knew Sean didn’t go on until 2100. Corey decided he’d nurse one drink while he waited.
    Stepping inside, he forced himself to take a deep breath. He swallowed hard and tried to force himself to relax. The crowd was already filling up the tables and Corey immediately felt the pressure of all those bodies. He told himself he could do this.
    He had spotted his preferred stool, unoccupied, and was halfway there when he noticed Sean on the stage. At nearly the same moment, Sean looked up from the microphone he was working on and spotted Corey.
    Sean’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open slightly. He looked stunned for a brief moment. Corey stood tall and let him look, as Sean dragged his eyes the length of Corey’s body. As he watched, a flush appeared high on Sean’s sharp cheekbones and his eyes grew heated. When Sean’s pink tongue darted out to wet his lower lip, Corey’s cock twitched in his jeans.
    He had Sean’s full attention. Hopefully he’d get the chance to work Sean out of system sooner rather than later.
    Finally, Sean moved. He stepped down off the small stage and took a couple of steps toward Corey. “I didn’t think you were going to show.” He sounded out of breath.
    “When I’d gotten some sleep and thought about it, I realized this was where I wanted to be,” Corey answered.
    Sean flashed a quick, self-conscious smile. “Good. I’m glad you’re here.”
    “Need some help?” Corey inclined his head toward the stage.
    “No, but thanks,” Sean said hastily. “I just finished. Want to get a drink before I have to start catering to the crowd?”
    “Definitely.” Corey led the way to the corner stool he preferred for the view of the bar it gave him. Sean slid onto the stool next to him.
    Linda came down to their end of the bar. “Well, if it isn’t my handsome Devil Dog. How are you this evening, sweetheart?”
    “Thirsty,” Corey evaded.
    She laughed. “The usual for you two gentlemen?”
    Corey watched her make their drinks and learned that Sean drank rum and Coke. Captain Morgan’s

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