The Fourteen Day Soul Detox, Volume Two

The Fourteen Day Soul Detox, Volume Two by Rita Stradling Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Fourteen Day Soul Detox, Volume Two by Rita Stradling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Stradling
Peter and Amy who stood
with smiles fastened on their faces.
    “Actually, we’ve met at the
club,” Peter’s voice sounded too bright.
    Carrie turned to Peter, her smile
wavering for a second. “Oh, of course, it’s so nice to
see you both.”
    “How is your flower business?”
Peter asked, taking a small step forward.
    “Oh, it’s wonderful,
especially this time of year. Everything is blooming. But, honestly,
I thought it would be more work owning a flower shop,” she
laughed. “I do almost nothing at all, except arrange a bouquet
once in a while. Who knew owning your own business could be so easy?”
    Amy and Peter laughed, their eyes fixed
on Carrie.
    Sarah took a step back and started to
walk off, but I took her hand and said, “Wait for us, cutie.”
    “I am so rude! I’m hogging
you all to myself. Let me take you down to the party,” Carrie
said, linking her arm through mine and leading us through the house.
Up close, I could smell a light perfume and a stronger tang of
    “This place is awesome,” I
said as we walked through an open sitting area and glass doors that
led to a wide stone patio. A few steps down, a long white deck
stretched into the sand dunes. A pool sat to one side. Beside it, a
small grotto area surrounded a Jacuzzi.
    My gaze caught Susan sitting, kicking
her feet into the pool, as she watched Aiden and Kay splash each
other. On the other side, a large stone wall with a grill set into it
was surrounded by Patrick, a guy who looked just like him, and Beza.
Each had a drink in their hands and a smile on their face.
    “Beza, are you drinking beer?”
I asked in disbelief as I approached the group.
    “It’s a root beer,”
she said, shooting a smile my way.
    “Oh, good, I was about to die of
shock,” I said, wiping pretend-sweat off my brow.
    “One of these days. But not
today. I need to be supportive of my wife. Susan’s sad she
can’t have one.” Beza said the word ‘wife’
with clear enunciation, her gaze flitting to Amy and Peter and away.
She hugged me and Sarah, then gave Amy and Peter a quick wave before
excusing herself to go join Susan.
    I turned to the guys. “Hey, how’s
it going?”
    “This is Jamie,” Carrie
said, beaming at the man I assumed was her husband. “And that’s
Sarah,” she said, gesturing at Sarah. “And this is
Jamie’s sister and brother-in-law…”
    “Amy and Peter. It’s great
to see you. Thanks for coming.” Patrick leaned over the wall to
shake Peter’s hand.
    “Thanks for having us,”
Peter said. He lifted the wooden box in his hand. “This is your
favorite, right?”
    Peter took the box, and his brother
looked down at it and whistled. “Eighteen-year-old. Good
taste,” he said.
    “Wow, man, you have a great
memory. Thank you,” he said, opening out the doors to the box
and pulling out a bottle scotch.
    “You ever try this one?”
Patrick asked grinning, his gaze meeting mine.
    “We don’t carry that one at
Mike’s Saloon, and I told you scotch isn’t really my
thing,” I grinned.
    “You’re missing out.”
    “I’m going in the pool,”
Sarah said, tugging on my hand.
    “I have that swimsuit for Sarah,
if you want,” Patrick said, coming around the wall to meet us.
    “Definitely. Is it okay if she
eats first?” I asked, pulling Sarah in for a hug.
    “Sure. Would she prefer hot dogs
or steak?”
    “What do you say, angel, hot dogs
    “I’m going to the pool!”
Sarah cried.
    “Angel,” I crouched down in
front of her. “You need to eat if you want to go in the pool.
You had gymnastics today, and now you want to swim. It’s
important to eat nutritious food when you get so much exercise. After
you have some dinner, you can get your suit on and join the other
    Carrie patted my shoulder. “May I
help her get some food? I love kids. Besides I want you to enjoy
    “Sure, if you’re up to it.
Thank you,” I said, standing.
    “Hey, Sarah, cuteness, I’m
really hungry too.

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