The Ghost Lights of Marfa

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Book: The Ghost Lights of Marfa by Maeve Alpin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maeve Alpin
own gowns.”
    After shutting the door, she sunk into the chair. Ramon should have realized if she found a way to planet X for a new life, she certainly could acquire a new dress on her own, if she needed or wanted one. Ana rubbed her aching head and overcome with exhaustion, she fell asleep.

    Chapter Three
    A knock at the door woke Ana. She yawned and stretched her arms. How long had she slept? “Enter.”
    Maria peered in. “Signora Ana, Signor Suarez, and Governor De Nunez have returned. I told Signor Suarez you would not take the dress. He said to tell you, the gown has been purchased and at his request will be fitted for you.”
    “Blow that!” Ana swirled out of her chamber, rushed to Ramon’s and banged on the door until her knuckles stung. He couldn’t demand she wear this dress or become his mistress. No longer a milk maid on his estate, she didn’t live her life based on his whims. Ana had transformed into a woman of means, with the dream, so close to reality, she almost believed it.
    He did not answer. She searched every corner of the manor home in a huff, but found no clue of Ramon’s whereabouts. Then a thought hit her, he will be where the food is. She stomped to the dining room in a huff.
    “Santa Maria!” She found him sitting at a table laid with a repast of cold meat from the noon meal, an anchovy salad, and separate bowls of pears, grapes, and olives.
    The daughter of a noble neighbor, with braided blonde hair pulled back and held in a snood of metal threads, sat at Ramon’s side. As she did not wear a veil, Ana noticed her gleaming teal eyes and the milky complexion of her oval face. She listened as the young woman fondling the single string of glossy pearls adorning her slender neck told Ramon she and her brother were joining De Nunez’s expedition.
    Ana lowered into a chair across from Ramon and watched him the way birds hovering over the airship eyed bits of food before they snatched it. The signorina at Ramon’s side giggled coyly at something he said. Ana recognized the disturbing sensation raking her insides as jealousy. Her heart had laid claim to Ramon though her mind forced her to deny his attentions. He had not been at the estate to help her when she was thrown out because he was courting some woman his mother wanted him to marry. A lady, like this one he sat by now.
    The signorina wrapped her long sinuous fingers around a green pear and held it to Ramon’s lips. Ana grabbed a goblet of vino and took a long gulp. Ramon took a bite of the pear the signorina held to his mouth. Juice dribbled upon his lip. His tongue slipped down and wiped a bead of pear juice off his lower lip. Ana shot up from the chair, staring at Ramon and the temptress.
    All eyes turned upon her, waiting. Blood pounded in her temples. Deflated like a sail with no wind, she dropped to her seat, cast her eyes at her goblet, and willed everyone to go away. Her gaze darted back to Ramon as he tossed his napkin in his plate and rose from his chair. Putting embarrassment aside, Ana stood and ran toward him, but before she could catch him, he entered his chamber and bolted the door.
    “Ramon, come get your dress. Give it to the signorina. I don’t want it.” She banged on the wooden door with both hands, but there was no answer. Ana slumped against the closed door.

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