Oregon. I want to fly, and this way I only had to buy two tickets.”
“Well, at least we’re flying, and we don’t have to drive. I still wish we could go to Vegas.”
“If you’re going to keep nagging me, baby, I can just leave you here.”
“You wouldn’t really do that, would you?” Claire asked with a pout.
“Try me. One more word about Vegas and I cash in the ticket I bought you, and you’re on your own. Then you can get that steak you’ve been whining about. I’m sure they have a dumpster behind Sizzler. You’re a resourceful girl, shouldn’t be too hard to wrestle scraps from the rats.”
“You’d leave me here without any money?”
“The moment you become more trouble than you’re worth, yes.”
“But the money, it isn’t just yours.”
“Isn’t it? What exactly did you do for it? Justina and I did all the dirty work while you just stood there watching. And don’t think for a moment you’re innocent in all this. The courts won’t care who killed that woman. You’re just as guilty as we are.”
“Don’t leave me here! Please Hunter! I won’t say anything more about Vegas.”
Hunter didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he stared at Claire, his expression unreadable. Finally, he said, “Then finish eating and get ready for bed. We have a big day ahead of us. I need to get us each some new clothes, a decent suitcase, and we need to do something with your hair.”
“My hair?” Claire absently twisted a lock of damp hair between her fingers.
“When we show up at that B and B, the last thing I want is for them to know we’ve been living on the road.”
“Are you really sure about this?” Claire reached over and grabbed a second slice of pizza.
“You nagging me about Vegas again, Claire?”
“No! Honest…just that…” Claire took a bite and chewed for a moment before finishing her thought. “I just don’t really understand why we have to go to the B and B. Plus it’s so close to…well you know.”
“It is a sign, Claire, I told you. The moment I found that notebook, I just knew.”
“But don’t you think the owners of that B and B have already been through the house? If there are other hidden treasurers, wouldn’t they have found them already?”
“They don’t have my gift, Claire. The moment I read the notebook I knew—I knew that’s where I need to go. You’ll see. You’ll thank me. Hell, when we’re finished, you can have steak every night if you want!”
“It’s just that…” Claire said with a pout.
“Just that what?”
“It’s not that far from Tina.”
“It’s not all that close either. So what do you care anyway?’
“She is your wife.” Claire nervously chewed her lower lip.
“I told you. I’m with you now.”
“Then why don’t you just divorce her?”
“Why would I want to do that?”
“We can’t get married if you’re still married to her.”
“Don’t start that again. I told you, I’m never going to get married again! Once is enough. And if I divorce Tina, then she can get married again.”
“Would that really be so bad?”
“I told you; I’m not going to have the mother of my kid sleeping with some other guy!”
“What makes you think that isn’t happening now?”
“Tina wouldn’t dare.” Hunter angrily grabbed another slice of pizza.
“When we stay at the B and B, how will we check in?”
“Don’t tell me you care what they think?” Hunter began to laugh. Claire blushed and shook her head. “If it makes you feel any better I made the reservation for me and my wife.”
“I still feel kind of funny about going back there.”
“Why? No one will remember us.”
“But still…”
“It’s a sign. None of this is a coincidence. There are no coincidences. We are meant to go back.”
“What about Isabella?”
“What about her?” Hunter frowned.
“That’s where she’s from.”
“Have you talked to her about going there? What does she say?”
“Let me worry about