The Goodbye Girl (Red Market Series Book 2)

The Goodbye Girl (Red Market Series Book 2) by A. Giannoccaro Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Goodbye Girl (Red Market Series Book 2) by A. Giannoccaro Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Giannoccaro
courage to reach out to him, he too, dwindles into the air. My thoughts become figments of my imagination and insanity and pain fill me up, drinking me in with their disaster.
    I scream, grasping onto the shit infested floor until my dirty nails break. I cry out again, hoping that they can hear me, because they are my only salvation, but Arturo’s forceful thrusts are all that fill me. He grabs a hold of my broken body, pulling back the layer of the girl that I used to be and freeing the one that I wish for. I feel a rush of energy torrent down my back as the whisper of air delights my flesh, sending shockwaves of insurmountable craziness through every inch of my body.
    Torture. Pain. Insanity.
    They all meet again, and the lamb eats herself, birthing a wolf set to kill.

    Love your own, kiss your own,
    Love your own mother, hinny,
    For if she was dead and gone,
    You’d ne’er get such another, hinny.

    My mother is the bane of my existence, the reason I fall into the madness within my mind. She tortures me with her voice and touch. Since I was boy, no more than four, she’s whispered her devil notes in my ears making my body declare its war on my mind. Her singing me a lullaby turned me into a demon that I couldn’t control. So I was locked in the pantry until I could get a hold of myself. Now I am back here and she is working her wicked magic on me, my poor dick getting beaten every time she talks to me. My burns are healing and even though my skin feels two sizes too small I am ready to leave. I want to go back to her and even to Mateo. I miss the silence, I miss my home and I miss the goodbyes. I need to go and say goodbye to my girl.
    Sitting here in the study, looking out the window at the grounds of my childhood prison, I would trade my soul for the filth of the city. The smoke and smog, the hookers and hawkers, that is home and this is my incarceration. The shelves of civilized reading material and medical books line the walls. My father was a doctor, my mother is still a doctor, and together they founded this business. Selling hope to the hopeless and stealing it from the damned. I wasn’t clever enough to be a doctor, because I couldn’t bear the noise of school. I wasn’t good enough to please them so I went to run the slaughter houses. I harvest organs and steal lives to save those who can afford to buy new ones. I like what I do, I have no desire to be elbow deep inside someone's body unless it's a woman and I am enjoying it. I like being the one they give up to and I live for the goodbyes I get to say. 
    “Caesar, what are you doing up, you should be resting boy.” My mother's hellish voice comes at me like a dagger.
    “I am rested, I want to go back. I am ready to leave,” I tell her, standing up and ready to escape her torment.
    “Quedate, boy. Let Mateo take over, you can work here. Take over for me. I won’t live forever you know.” Oh, I know. I wish your life away daily. 
    “I have things to deal with first. I can come back, but now I need to be there. The boy is unstable, he isn’t ready to do this alone.” I am towering over her now.
    “You can go, Caesar, but you will come back when I call you, no me puedes ignorar para siempre. The boy can have Hugo to help him, or you can say goodbye to him like you should have years ago. I will send someone to take over.” The sound of her words makes my body do things. The rasp in her soft voice even when she is angry undoes my sanity and in my mind I pin her to the wall as I rape her. I would kill her if I touched her. The walking stick hits me right between the legs and I am saved from the infernal noises within.
    “Fine woman, just send me back, yo odio este lugar.” I shove past her and into the hallway where I escape to the solitude of my room. My frail old mother shouldn’t scare me but she is the devil. In my quiet room, I think about packing my things but I have none with me. They are in my apartment

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