The Grace Series (Book 2): Tainted Grace

The Grace Series (Book 2): Tainted Grace by M. Lauryl Lewis Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Grace Series (Book 2): Tainted Grace by M. Lauryl Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. Lauryl Lewis
Bill…and then you can go in with Zoe and Nathan can take your bed.”
    “Ya, that’s fine,” said Susan. “If Zoe doesn’t mind.”
    “No problem,” I said.  I didn’t truly like the idea but it made the most sense. “You can keep me warm,” I added to try to be nice.
    “I’ll take the first shift,” said Nathan.  “Bill, you didn’t sleep much last night.”
    “Thanks, Nate,” said Bill.  He patted the younger man on the shoulder and suddenly looked very tired.
    “I’ll show you to my room,” said Susan.  “It’s just a twin bed, but it’s comfortable.”
    “Thank you,” said Bill.  He had a kind and deep voice.
    Boggs kissed me on the cheek, then took my hand and led me toward the stairs. Emilie and Susan followed us, with Bill trailing at the back. 
    “See you later, Susan,” I said as we reached the landing of the second floor.  “Night Em.  Bill.”
    I took Boggs’ hand in my own and led him into our bedroom.  We had become accustomed to the darkness of the room at night, so walked to my side of the bed and sat. 
    “Do you want the candle lit?” asked Boggs.
    “Nah,” I replied lazily.  “I’m so tired I think my eyes will be closed and I’ll be asleep in two shakes anyhow.”
    “You feeling ok?” Boggs asked.  “You didn’t eat much.”
    “Just feeling a little pukey,” I admitted.  “I promise I’ll eat more for breakfast.”
    “Just remember the baby needs it, Zo, ok?”
    “I know.  Baby also needs Mommy to sleep.”  I sighed.
    “You want to fool around before you go to sleep?”
    I chuckled.  “Let me sleep, Boggs.”
    He sighed.  “Ok.  Just thought I’d ask.”
    I pulled my socks off in the dark, but left my sweat pants and t-shirt on.  I’ve always hated wearing socks to bed. 
    “Boggs?” I asked.
    “Hmm?” he replied as he lay down.
    “We’re going to have to leave this cabin, aren’t we?”
    I heard him take a deep breath in.  “I think maybe so, Zo.  It’s feeling dangerous here.”
    “Where do you think we’ll go?”
    “Maybe to the other group’s place?   I’m not sure.”
    “Do you think we can trust these guys? Nathan and Bill?”
    “My gut tells me yes.  Sleep, Zoe.”
    I scooted over toward him and nestled in against his side. His warmth was heavenly.  I rested a hand low on my belly and fell asleep thinking about the tiny life growing deep within me.

    I woke to the smell of dampness and cold.  It’s a smell that’s hard to describe unless you’re used to perpetually dank, cold climates.  It’s similar to mud and mildew.  I was alone in our bed and dreaded climbing out from under the covers, knowing the deep chill of the unheated upper level of the cabin would seep into my core. It was becoming unavoidable, though, as my bladder was screaming at me.
    So, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed until I felt my bare feet hit the cold hardwood floor.  I remembered that Susan was supposed to have climbed into bed with me halfway through the night, and wondered if she ever had.  I must have slept very deeply. Our room was still mostly dark.  The only light filtered in through small drill-holes in the plywood that covered the window.  At least I could tell it was daylight. I walked to the window and squinted to see out one of the holes.  Snow looked like it was turning to slush and the blood from the night before was tinting areas pink.  Rain was falling steadily.  It was still the dead of winter, sometime in December I think.  I wondered if roads might clear despite the season.
    No longer able to avoid it, I rushed to the door of the bedroom and opened it.  I walked into the hall and heard the sounds of cooking in the kitchen, and smelled something delicious.  I couldn’t quite place the scent.  I rushed across the hallway to the bathroom, which was thankfully unoccupied, and hurried about relieving myself.  Gus had told me to expect the baby’s growth to cause frequent bathroom

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