“I was waiting.”
“So this is the place of our next meeting. I wasn’t sure I was on the right track.”
“You’re not,” he replied. “And this is not the place of our next meeting.”
“If this isn’t the place of our next meeting, then why are you here?” I countered. “And why am I here? And why are we meeting?”
“I would call this an intervention . I’m intervening. You’re off track, and you need help.”
“Then the word isn’t in this place?”
“It is in this place.”
“Then how can I be off track?”
“It is here, but you didn’t have to come here to find it. In fact, you didn’t even have to leave your home.”
“But if it’s here, I don’t understand how I can be off track or why you would have to come to intervene.”
“I came to help you find the Third Harbinger and to give you the key to unlock all the Harbingers.”
“I’m listening.”
“The Nine Harbingers, what are they?” he asked.
“Signs…warnings…given to a nation in danger of judgment.”
“And to whom did they first appear?”
“To the people of ancient Israel.”
“And when did they first appear?”
“At the time of the breach, the first invasion.”
“So then that’s where you need to look, Nouriel. In 732 B.C. when the Assyrians invaded the land, that’s where the word is.”
“What does that mean?”
“A word was given, a prophetic word.”
“The word I’ve been searching for?”
With that, he reached into the inner lining of his coat and pulled out an object…a roll. He placed it on the table and carefully began unrolling it under the incandescent glow of the lamp. It appeared to be an ancient parchment on which were written words of an ancient-looking script.
“It looks like a piece of the Dead Sea Scrolls,” I said. It was the nearest thing I could think of to describe what I was seeing.
“It does,” he replied.
“But it’s not a piece of the Dead Sea Scrolls.”
“No, but close.”
“What is it?”
He didn’t answer. But, passing his finger over the parchment, he began reading aloud the ancient words. “Davar, Shalakh, Adonai .”
“Which means what?” I asked.
“ Davar …a word; Shalakh …has been sent.”
“‘A word has been sent,” I repeated.
“ Adonai …the Lord.”
“‘A word has been sent…Lord?’”
“A word has been sent by the Lord,” he said, correcting my translation. “ Davar, Shalakh, Adonai . The Lord has sent a word. B’Yaakov …to Jacob; and it has fallen upon Israel, and all the people will know it. Ephraim, and those who dwell in Samaria who, in pride and arrogance of heart, say…”
“What I’m about to read, Nouriel, is the message given to ancient Israel in the days after that first attack. In this lies the key to unlock all the Harbingers.”
“By revealing their mysteries—the key to the nation’s future.”
“The future of ancient Israel.”
“And the future of America.”
Once again he began passing his finger over the scroll and reciting its ancient words: “This is the message,” said the prophet. “Listen carefully:
• “ L’vanaim —The bricks
• “ Nafaloo —Have fallen
• “ V’Gazit —But with hewn stone
• “ Nivneh —We will rebuild
• “ Shikmim —The sycamores
• “ Gooda’oo —Have been cut down
• “ V’Erazim —But with cedars
• “ NaKhalif —We will plant in their place
“The bricks have fallen,
But we will rebuild with hewn stone;
The sycamores have been cut down,
But we will plant cedars in their place.” 1
“It wasn’t what I expected him to say,” Nouriel said.
“What did you expect?” she asked.
“Something relevant, something of significance. What did bricks and sycamore trees have to do with America—or anything? And I told him.”
“I don’t understand,” I said. “I don’t even know what it’s saying. How is it the key?”
“This is Israel’s