The Hazards of Mistletoe

The Hazards of Mistletoe by Alyssa Rose Ivy Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Hazards of Mistletoe by Alyssa Rose Ivy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy
cold liquid. I’d cut back on a lot of things since getting cut off from my parents, but I still hadn’t settled for cheap bear. I needed my IPAs.
    “Just tell me. What did you do? Mess around behind her back? Sleep with her sister or something?”
    “We weren’t together. It’s more complicated.”
    “Complicated?” He sat down on the ancient chair across from me. “I doubt it. Women are pretty simple to understand once you spend enough time with them.”
    I laughed dryly. “Yeah, I bet you understand them.”
    “Are you going to tell me or are you just going to mope around for the rest of the week?”
    “I wouldn’t have sex with her.” There I’d said it.
    “Uh… what?” Whatever he was expecting, that wasn’t it.
    “You heard me.”
    “Is there a reason you didn’t have sex with the girl… based on the amount of time you spend jerking off to her picture I assume you find her attractive?”
    “Shut up. And of course there was a reason.”
    “And….?” He gestured with his hand.
    “She deserved better. I’d just found out about school, and I knew I couldn’t give her what she needed. We’d been friends for years, and I couldn’t just use her like that. She deserved more.”
    “And when did you tell her this?”
    “Why does it matter?”
    “I’m hoping you rejected the girl before you took her home with you.”
    “She was naked.”
    “What?” he spit out his beer. “Are you fucking serious?”
    “Yeah.” I set down my beer on the table. “I couldn’t. I wanted her so bad, but it wasn’t worth it.”
    “Let me get this straight. You got the girl naked and told her you couldn’t have sex with her because she deserved better?”
    “I think the actual words I used were she was too beautiful and innocent.”
    “And then what?”
    “I walked out and told her to be scarce before I got back.”
    “Are you the biggest idiot on earth?” His eyes were nearly bugging out of his head.
    “I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t trust myself.”
    “Did you see her again or did you leave it at that?”
    “I saw her outside, but I just stared at her.”
    “I kind of want to punch you right now.”
    “Why? What do you care?” I slumped down on the uncomfortable couch. “You’re not exactly Prince Charming yourself.”
    “This takes the cake. Besides, you actually like this girl. You have a history.”
    “Yeah, well. Like I said, I thought I was doing the right thing.”
    “What changed your mind?” He sat forward. “Why do you suddenly deserve her now?”
    “I don’t deserve her, but I’ve never seen her so sad. Savy loves Christmas like no one I’ve ever met, yet I saw her cringe when they turned up the holiday music. If this time of year can’t make her happy, then she must be seriously gone.”
    “Then do something about it.”
    “I’m going to, but I don’t know what.”
    “Who are your allies?”
    “My allies?”
    “Yeah. Who do you have on your team? I know your parents hate your guts, but what about hers? I assume they come here with her.”
    “Her grandfather thinks I walk on water.”
    “Ok there’s a start.”
    “And her dad likes me, I think.”
    “Then start there. You need to get her alone. You work on that, and I’ll take care of the other stuff.”
    “The other stuff?”
    “The guy. Whoever he is, he’s in the way.”
    “What are you going to do to him?”
    Winston laughed maniacally and then stopped. “What do you think I’m going to do? I’m going to make sure he stays out of the way.”
    “You think I actually have a shot at this?”
    “Maybe. I’m going to get real here. You were an asshole.”
    “Yeah, I know.”
    “But I also know you actually like this girl, so I’ll help.”
    “I’m so lucky.” I didn’t hide the sarcasm in my voice.
    “You’ll thank me later.”
    “I’ll thank you if she’ll even talk to me again.”
    “Oh yeah.” Winston shook his head. “All you wanted was to be friends again with her,

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