The Intruder

The Intruder by Joannie Kay Read Free Book Online

Book: The Intruder by Joannie Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joannie Kay
Tags: Romance, BDSM, spanking
a little will do for now," Jake agreed. "I'll reheat it later and you can try again. In a day or two, you'll be ready to run races," he promised.
    It was all she could do to sip a bit more of the broth, and Kari felt so tired that she closed her eyes. Jake took the mug from her hands and then removed a couple of the pillows so she could recline and go to sleep. When she woke a while later, he helped her to the bathroom, and when she was back in bed, she had more broth and it tasted a bit better this time. "Your Mom is a good cook if she can make plain broth taste good."
    "Ma is the best," Jake said proudly.
    "You're so lucky to have her," Kari whispered, her green eyes filling with tears of emotion. "We lost Mama when I was little, and I can't remember much about her except the way she smelled and her beautiful smile."
    "I was only ten when my Dad was killed, and a lot of my memories of him are from photographs. It's even worse for Jenna, because she was just an infant and has no memories of him at all."
    "Your Mom never remarried?" Kari asked.
    "No. She's dated some, but never let it get serious. What about your Dad?" he wanted to know.
    "He remarried and then divorced when he caught his ex being horrid to me. She was abusive," Kari said sadly. "I felt terrible about it, but Dad has always insisted it wasn't my fault."
    "It wasn't your fault," Jake stated firmly, and felt his respect for Keith Morgan rise several notches.
    He and Kari talked about their respective parents for a few more minutes, and then she had to close her eyes and sleep some more. Jake used the time to get on line and do some more investigating on Quincy Darles. In another day or two, he would get back to work... Once he reached a dead end on the lead he was working on, he started looking for another apartment for Kari. There was no way in the world he was leaving her alone in this apartment with a murderer living next door.

    Chapter Four

    "But, I can't afford to move, Jake!" Kari insisted. "Especially with taking this time off from work."
    "You can't stay here, sweetheart. It's not safe. Anyone could rent an apartment in this same building and have access to your apartment whenever they wished. I'm not about to let you stay here and run the risk of being raped or assaulted, or even killed."
    "It's not your decision to make!" she reminded him. They'd been arguing for the last thirty minutes, and Jake was frustrated with her because she wouldn't look at any of the advertisements for other apartments. "I like this apartment, and if I move, my furniture might not fit as well as it does here."
    "So, you sell this furniture and get something new if that happens. You can't stay here, sweetheart." As far as he was concerned, she was going to pick an apartment or he would do it for her. "You'd better get some rest now, sweetheart. Jase said you were doing well, but that you needed to rest often."
    "I don't want to get back in bed!" Kari pouted. "I'm feeling much better now!" she argued.
    "And we want to keep it that way. Come on, now, and take a nap." He wasn't about to let her argue her way out of doing what Jase said. Kari was a grumpy patient, and Jake was positive that if he stepped one foot out of her apartment, she would be dressed and off to work in the next minute. She wasn't going to get that chance.
    "You know I'm well enough to be alone now...!" she glared at the man. "I don't need a nurse, or a babysitter. Go home and enjoy your vacation."
    Jake chuckled. "So you can sneak out the door the minute my back is turned? Do you honestly want another spanking?" he asked, and when her cheeks turned a bright red, he added, "That is exactly what would happen if I had to come and fetch you from work, and I would come after you, Kari. Now stop giving me guff and get you sweet tail to bed and take a nap."
    Kari wanted to argue, but she didn't dare. That spanking he'd given her had left her bottom very tender, and she had no desire to experience another at his

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