The Last Girl

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Book: The Last Girl by Michael Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Adams
Tags: book, JUV037000
enough operators willing to work Christmas?
    I gave Stephanie two more breaths, grabbed the phone and hit redial, cradled it between my chin and shoulder as I kept doing compressions. This time I didn’t get the recorded message. My call just terminated in a high-pitched squeal that sounded like the end of all things.
    I let the phone fall away and I rocked back on my heels away from Stephanie. My air escaped her in a lifeless wheeze. Tears streamed down my cheeks. For a moment I was aware only of my trembling limbs and my own ragged breaths and my heartbeat in my temples. Then my mind went spiralling out around me, streaming from next door to the next street to the next suburb, sweeping in every thought from the screaming city.
    Did-I-think-that?-Or-did-I-say-that-out-loud?-How-funny- Weird-like-a-dream-Man-what-a-strange-feeling-Can-you- hear-me?-This-is-what-it-feels-like-to-be-a-guy-Wow-so-strong- but-I-smell-different-You-can’t-believe-this-Daddy-I’m-so-tall- What-do-mean-you’ve-just-had-a-few-drinks?-Wish-Sarah- would-come-to-Christmas-lunch-You-lied!-Santa’s-not-real!- You’re-Santa?-You’re-the-Easter-Bunny?-Tooth-Fairy?-You- lied!-Calm-down-No-I-didn’t-say-that-It’s-not-what-I-meant- Robopony!-I-wanted-a-Robopony-Greedy-little-I-can-hear- what-she’s-thinking-Who’s-playing-Revolution-9?-Wow-this-is- cool-Do-I-really-look-like-that-to-him? - All-these-presents-how- will-I-pay?-Credit-card-God-just-stop-worrying-Can-she-hear- me?-Mea-culpa!-Help-me-somebody!-Yes-your-bum-looks-big- in-those!-You-feed-the-goddamned-cat-for-once!-Rather-be- watching-America-Is-Waiting-Hey-watch-what-you’re-saying- Wow-it’s-like-they’re-my-boobs— - Can’t-tell-him- it’s-not-his-baby!-Bitch-can-pay-the-fare-in-trade-You-gross- pig!-I-can’t-hear-myself-think-I-need-a-drink-and-cigarette- Dad’s-gonna-kill-me!-Where’s-all-the-noise-coming-from?-It’s- like-Radio-waves-in-my-head-Esto-no-puede-estar-pasando- But-pictures-smells-feelings-too -- Like-I’m-in- the-shower-with-Harry-No-as-Harry-Oh-I’m-touching-it-That- was-a-good-Christmas-before-I-No-I-didn’t-I-never-did-Hey- shut-up-for-a-moment-No-son-of-mine’s-gonna-be-a-fairy- I’m-not-talking-to-you-Leave-me-alone - Aš-užmušiu-jums- kalé - Can’t-tell-her-she’s-I’m-adopted?-Where’s-Danby?- -If-you-weren’t-my-sister- I-You’ve-got-Satan-in-you-Gotta-get-out-of-here-Screw- you-all-Whatever-this-is-I-need-some-space-Down-to-the- water-Must-be-a-dream-Some-hallucination-Gotta-block- this-Shades-might-help-I-can’t-believe-you-never-told-me- Kjo-nuk-mund-të-ndodh - He-was-with-her-Knew-it!-Liar!- No-don’t-touch-me-Look-out-Shit-car’s-gonna-flip-The-train’s- on-the-wrong-track-No-one-switching-Jump!-Jump!-Is-this-the- end-of-the-Don’t-say-that-Please-don’t-think-that-Mustn’t-let- her-find-out-No-no-no-no . . .
    Voices. Visions. Overlapping. Reverberating. For a second, people had a sense of wonder at tuning in the world as others experienced it. After that came their fear and panic when they realised they were laid bare to everyone. It was like a thousand channels screamed in all of their heads as their social statuses updated automatically and unfiltered from their darkest streams of consciousness. Language barriers offered little protection: thoughts and feelings behind foreign words needed no translation as they surged from head to head.
    I pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes, plugged my ears with my thumbs. If I wasn’t crazy then this was the world’s worst nightmare.
    ‘Wake up, Danby!’ I screamed.
    But I could barely hear myself over the noise getting louder and stronger.
    I accidentally slipped into signals from the noise and entered spaces that should have been secret. Across the road Ben was furious that Lisa was on the pill when they were supposed to be trying for a baby—and she was revolted that the file marked ‘Scanned Tax Receipts’ on his tablet held terabytes of porn. Next door to us another

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