The Legend

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Book: The Legend by Melissa Delport Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Delport
emanates from the darkness near the door. I can just make him out, a tall shadow breaking apart from the others and advancing towards me. “Your body,” he explains when he gets nearer, “your body is your primary weapon. Focus on that. The rest will come.”
    â€œHow do you propose I do that?”
    â€œTraining,” he replies simply. “Tomorrow I want you on the track field at 6.30.”
    I return the Hanbo to the corner and run my hand longingly down the Bo staff.
    â€œIt will come back to you, Rebecca.” Kwan is right beside me. “Give it time.”
    â€œI don’t have time! Kenneth Williams wants our community gone, he won’t stop until he destroys us all and eliminates the opposition.”
    â€œHe won’t find us here any time soon,” he reassures me. “But I don’t believe that is the real reason you are in such a hurry.”
    â€œI want him gone.”
    â€œBecause of what he did to you?”
    â€œRevenge is no way to win a war.”
    â€œI’m not in the mood for your ancient philosophies right now, old friend.” I turn back to the Bo staff.
    â€œYou are in a dark place, Rebecca. I can see it. I hear you told Jethro you intend to kill his brother.”
    â€œHis brother almost killed me. It’s nothing less than he deserves.”
    â€œThat may be true,” he concedes, “but did you consider the fact that Jethro may need some time to come to terms with it?”
    â€œYou’re saying I should have softened the blow? Been more sensitive to his feelings?”
    â€œYou’re not listening to me. I don’t have time to tiptoe around everybody’s feelings.”
    â€œThat includes Reed and Aidan, I’m guessing.”
    â€œI don’t want to talk about them.”
    â€œOf course you don’t. But tell me, Rebecca, how do you propose to win this war without Reed?”
    â€œReed will fight. He believes in the cause.”
    â€œHe believes in you ,” he corrects. “As we all do. Without you, the Legion would fall apart. How can you expect them to follow you when they don’t even like you?”
    â€œWho’s being insensitive now?” I raise my eyebrows.
    â€œYou need to let go of your fear, only then will you make peace with what has happened. There is a darkness in you, Rebecca. It will fester and grow and, if you allow it to, it will consume you. Stop holding on to it or it will destroy everything you have worked for.”
    â€œI’m not afraid. Are you going to help me or not?”
    â€œTomorrow,” he sighs. “At 6.30.”

    chapter 6
    T he following morning I am waiting on the outdoor track field when Kwan arrives. Michael is with him.
    â€œHi, Rebecca!” Michael calls, cheerful as ever. He is completely impervious to my grey mood.
    â€œHey,” I raise my brows in question at Kwan.
    â€œMichael trains track,” he replies nonchalantly. “And I’m needed in the dojo. You’re in good hands.”
    â€œSo, shall we get to it?” Michael rubs his hands together to ward off the cold.
    Twenty minutes later I want to scream with frustration. Michael is running circles around me, all the while keeping up a running commentary of encouragement. I am slow, far too slow. I could probably still outrun Jenna, and my natural fitness is resurfacing, but my abilities are nowhere to be seen. Michael has always challenged me, determined to best me in a race, but even he seems disappointed by the lack of competition.
    â€œSo, you really took a knock, huh?” He runs his hands through his tousled blond hair and gives me the kind of look you reserve for someone’s deathbed. I scowl, and he quickly rearranges his features into a carefree, goofy grin. “It’ll come back, of course. I bet I’ll be eating your dust in no time. And you did really well, considering,” he adds

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