The Legend of Buddy Hero (The Defenders Saga)

The Legend of Buddy Hero (The Defenders Saga) by Adam Oster Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Legend of Buddy Hero (The Defenders Saga) by Adam Oster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adam Oster
where'd you come from, can I get your number, blah blah blah.  Are you Buddy Jackson or not?”
    “Umm. . . yeah, I'm Buddy.”
    “Great,” the woman said and then immediately disappeared.  Buddy heard her voice coming from the street.  He looked and saw her standing with the rickshaw.  “Get in,” she said.
    Buddy looked at the young woman in confusion.  He then found himself staring at her.  She was gorgeous.  Her long blond hair reached down to just above her hips.  Her hair served to accentuate the way her hips curved around the center of her body.  Flowing from there were two perfectly toned and slender legs, bursting at the denim trying to contain them.  Growing up from her center was the body of a goddess.  The curves of her form were hidden underneath a red-hooded sweatshirt, but Buddy could still see she was given nothing less than perfection.  His jaw opened slightly as he surveyed the beauty of this vixen and found himself wishing he were ten years younger.
    “Hey, pal!  Eyes off the goods and get your butt in the vehicle!”  She sounded more angry at his lack of movement than she was at the fact he had been ogling her. 
    Buddy became aware of the rest of the world once again and struggled with the proper response to such an odd situation.  He had difficulty thinking of any possible risks involved in a beautiful woman abducting an overweight man in a rickshaw and decided that if there were any, they might be worth it. 
    He climbed into the rickshaw and as soon as he rested his head against the red-cushioned interior he felt the entire world melt away and his body ripped from it. Outside the vehicle the world now appeared as some sort of technicolor day-dream, nothing but colors and lights streaking past.
    Buddy opened his mouth to ask what was going on, but couldn't formulate the words necessary to do so, at least not in the time provided.  He saw a bright blue light and the world formed around him again, but his place in it had changed. 
    He was now inside a parking garage.  The cars parked inside this cavernous building numbered in the thousands.
    “First time traveling at sub-light, huh?”  the woman asked with a smile on her face.  Her voice echoed.  There was a slight twinkle of giddiness in her eyes.
    “Don't worry, the queasiness should wear off in a few minutes.  Look, I'm sorry for ambushing you like this, but my boss really wants to see you.  Oh, yeah, and my name's Alexa.”  Buddy noticed she didn't seem to breathe between words.
    “Nice to meet you,” Buddy said, as he struggled to pull himself out of the rickshaw.  Alexa assisted him.
    “Come on, Artie's not too patient when waiting for people, so we should get in there.”
    “What just happened?”
    Alexa led Buddy to a door near where they had parked the rickshaw.  “Just a little high speed transport, nothing special.”
    They went through the door and entered an enormous foyer.  There was a elaborate fountain immediately in front of him in the shape of a D.  Coming up from the fountain were seven streams of water, each a different color, all landing in a mishmash in the bottom.  The colors didn't blend into each other, but intermingled in a magical dance.  There was a desk positioned in the middle of the room.  Alexa led Buddy to it.
    The desk was a standard reception desk, but instead of a chair, or a person sitting in a chair, behind the desk, there was a set of computer monitors.  Each monitor showed a different image of the room they were currently in.  Across the images were emblazoned the words Data Analysis Watchdog Network.  Alexa walked to the desk and leaned against it.  The monitors flickered and a computer generated face of a woman appeared on all of the screens.
    “Hey D.A.W.N., Artie ready to see me?”
    “Hi, Alexa, so nice to see you.  Mr. Flores has asked that I ensure you head directly into his office.  And I would really appreciate it if you would quit leaning

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