The Lighthouse Mystery

The Lighthouse Mystery by Gertrude Warner Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Lighthouse Mystery by Gertrude Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gertrude Warner
carried them all to his room at the top and set them around. The reflector did show a little light through the storm.
    By this time they heard voices outside. The neighbors had come to the lighthouse to find out about the Cook boy. They all knew his father’s boat was gone.
    “Come in, everybody,” said Jessie. Everyone was dripping with water. “My brother has gone for the
    Coast Guard. They will go out from Ashland and look for Larry.”
    Then Jessie and Violet saw Mrs. Cook. She looked pale, but she smiled at the girls.
    The neighbors were wonderful. They had seen storms before. A woman told Jessie to heat a lot of water and make coffee for the Coast Guard men. She herself helped.
    The men who had come went out on the beach to see if they could see anything. They stood in the waves up to their knees. But soon the water was up to their waists. They went back to the rock seats. They all had flashlights and some had enormous field glasses.
    “The Coast Guard is quick,” said Mrs. Cook. “They will be out to sea before your brother can get home.”
    Jessie and Violet put their arms around her.
    The light in the top of the lighthouse showed a little through the heavy rain. It seemed like ten years before a man shouted, “I see the Coast Guard boat! And I see the Cook boat!”
    Henry and Tom Cook drove up as the man spoke.
    “Oh, where?” begged Mr. Cook, getting out. “Show it to me.”
    The man gave him his glasses and told him which way to look. The boats were still right side up, but they often disappeared in the waves. Then Henry went down to the beach, too.
    “What will they do?” Henry asked.
    “They’ll take the boy off and tie his boat to the Coast Guard boat. I hope they will see our light and come here to our beach. The little boat can get through the waves here.”
    Men looked through their glasses. “They’re tying the boat on now. They must have the boy.”
    “If I ever get my son back, he can have anything he wants,” cried Tom Cook. “Anything at all. Anything in the world!”
    “He’s a smart boy, your Larry,” said Henry. “Maybe you know that.”
    “Yes, I know that. If he only comes back safe!”
    “He will,” said a fisherman. “The Coast Guard is coming fast this way. They wouldn’t come now if they didn’t have the boy aboard.”
    “Oh, thank you!” cried Mr. Cook. “Can you really see their boat?”
    “See for yourself.” The fisherman gave him his glasses. The rain was still pouring down. It was still thundering. Everyone was soaking wet. But they could see the Coast Guard coming through the great waves. The Sea Cook II was tied on behind it.
    Mrs. Cook helped Jessie heat towels and blankets in front of the gas oven and make a bed with the blankets.
    “You’ll have to use my bed for him,” said Mr. Alden.
    Henry said, “You may have my bed, Grandfather, and I’ll go up with Benny.”
    “I don’t think I’m going to bed,” said Mr. Alden.
    “We’ll be all ready for him when he comes,” said Jessie.
    “Is there a doctor in this town?” asked Mr. Alden.
    “Oh, yes indeed. Someone has gone for him. He is on his way.”
    “Well, since there is no policeman,” said Mr. Alden, “I thought there wouldn’t be any doctor either.”
    “He is a very good doctor. His name is Dr. Phillips.”
    “That big Coast Guard boat can’t land here,” said Henry to a man.
    “No, they will come to the beach in the smaller boat. The Coast Guard can run it through the waves. You’ll see.”
    Nearer and nearer came the big boat. The storm was still raging. When the boat was quite near it stopped. Three of the men got into the Sea Cook II and rowed for the beach. Larry was lying in the boat.
    At last the boat reached the shore. Strong men took hold of it, and pulled it up on the sand. Henry helped. He looked at Larry. He was lying still with his eyes shut.
    “He’s alive,” the man said. “But he doesn’t know anything yet. Put him to bed and get a doctor. We saw your

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