The List

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Book: The List by Sherri L. Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherri L. Lewis
said, “Ummm, yeah. Once again, I’m trying to be realistic. I make a nice bit of money and plan on making much more. It’s possible that I’ll make more than him. As long as he’s not insecure and can handle it, I’m cool.”
    Lisa shook her head. “Call me old-fashioned. I think a man should make more money than a woman.”
    Nicole opened her mouth with disbelief. She started to say something, but then shook her head.
    â€œWhat?” Lisa asked, as if she didn’t sound completely ridiculous.
    Vanessa looked at Lisa as if she had new understanding about her singlehood. “What else, Michelle?”
    â€œThat’s about it. I’m not too hard to please,” I said in Lisa’s direction.
    â€œThat’s all?” Nicole asked. “What does Mr. Right look like?”
    I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m not particular about looks. It’s more of what’s on the inside of a man that matters to me.”
    Nicole chuckled. “Really, now?”
    â€œYeah. I mean, he should be pretty all right-looking, I guess. I can’t see finding a perfect man who’s godly, intelligent, financially stable and great father material and rejecting him because he might have a few extra pounds around his waist or because he doesn’t look like Taye Diggs.”
    Vanessa nibbled on a teriyaki triangle and then said, “So if he was three inches shorter than you and weighed four hundred pounds, you’d love him just the same?”
    I winced. “Uh, I guess.”
    Angela broke her silence again. “That’s what you think now—that you’re not shallow enough to be concerned about a guy’s looks. Just wait until you date someone and he’s not the cutest in the world. All of a sudden, everyone else will look cute and sexy, and he’ll look uglier and uglier to you.”
    Everyone turned to look at Angela.
    â€œWhat? I’m being honest. I know I’m not the prettiest girl in the world and don’t have the most outgoing personality, but still, I want a guy that I find attractive. He may not be a model, but I need to think he’s cute.”
    Vanessa put on her concerned therapist face. “You don’t think you’re pretty, Angela?”
    â€œI don’t have a Halle Berry face and Beyoncé body like Nicole. And I don’t have perfect skin, a great smile and exciting hair like Michelle. And I’m certainly not a model like Lisa. Like Michelle said, I’m trying to be realistic. A guy I can pull won’t be as cute as what any of them could pull.”
    Now we all had concerned looks on our faces.
    â€œAngela, you’re pretty. What are you talking about?” Nicole looked almost disgusted.
    â€œYeah. Okay. Let’s face it. I’m a pretty nerd,” Angela said.
    â€œWell, there has got to be some fine nerds out there. We’ll just have to find you one.” Nicole leaned over and hugged Angela.
    Angela laughed and pushed Nicole away. “A fine nerd?” She thought about it for a second. “Okay, I could do that.”
    We all laughed.
    â€œWell, I ain’t gon’ lie.” Lisa put her hands on her hips. “I want me a fine man. He has to be at least six-three, athletic and chiseled, great face, nice skin, nice hair or shiny bald. We’ll be one of those stunning couples with beautiful children.”
    â€œHow deep does the rabbit hole go, Alice?” Nicole asked Lisa.
    â€œThis wonderland of yours. No wonder it’s been nine years.”
    Lisa’s eyes widened. She looked as if Nicole had slapped her. Funny how none of the rest of us reprimanded Nicole. It was another one of those times when she said what everyone else was thinking.
    â€œI guess I’m an equal opportunist when it comes to men,” I said. “I like them in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Just as long as he feels like God to

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