The Lycan Rebirth (The Flux Age Book 3)

The Lycan Rebirth (The Flux Age Book 3) by Steven J Shelley Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Lycan Rebirth (The Flux Age Book 3) by Steven J Shelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven J Shelley
fault that there were bloodthirsty factions out there who saw killing as a legitimate means of exerting power.
    “We got company,” Wilson warned. The trainee’s eyes were good - several aquila approached from the south, their brown leather almost indistinguishable from the musky vegetation.
    Florence felt her anger rise to dangerous levels. “Now it’s our turn to hunt,” she snarled. “Those fuckers aren’t used to the jungle. They prefer to snipe at their prey like cowards. They need space and air. All a good lycan needs is opportunity.”
    Her trainees nodded vigorously, picking up on her battle pheromones.
    “Julian,” Florence breathed. “Ensure that Emmaline stays alive. This could get messy.”
    The aquilan nodded and moved to the diviner’s side.
    Florence crouched low and scanned the terrain. The jungle between the lycans and their quarry was reasonably thick, with plenty of ambush possibilities.
    “Roam,” Florence spat venomously. “Flank these bastards. Let them know what lycans can do. The only rule is make sure you win.”
    Florence watched as her trainees made their own way into the thick undergrowth. She had no choice but to set them free and see what they could do. Hopefully they were filled with the righteous force of anger. That emotion could be a great ally to lycans in battle.
    It was time to move. Florence ducked under the sea of bracken and crawled low and hard along the scratchy jungle floor. The sights, sounds and smells of the jungle flooded her consciousness. Her mind pulsing with lycan battle chemicals, Florence absorbed everything there was to know about this particular terrain. As she moved silently under the eaves of an enormous silk cotton tree she was confronted with a tangle of fibrous creeper vines. On instinct she climbed a vine that disappeared high up in the canopy ceiling. The plant was as tough as a bull whip and easily supported her weight. Within seconds Florence was climbing high over the middle and lower storeys of the rainforest. She could see the quietly moving aquilan assassins in the bracken far below. They were good, very good, but no match for a lycan using guerrilla tactics.
    Florence waited until the majority of aquilans had passed underneath her and targeted the rearmost enemy.
    Holding her breath, she climbed rapidly and noiselessly down the vine. Her pace quickened as she neared the tall aquilan. With a crunch she met him feet first, sending him sprawling into the bracken. Landing lightly, two steps was all it took to assume a lethal position over the enemy’s shoulders. She yanked on the man’s folded wings until they both came free.
    Ignoring the dying aquilan’s shrill scream, Florence scanned the tangled undergrowth for her next target. An aquilan to her right had spotted her and was about to bring his machine gun to bear. He was only able to peel off a couple of rounds before Wilson careened into him, snapping a wing off as they fell to the ground.
    Florence turned her attention to the aquilan approaching through a bank of tall seed ferns. Exploiting the man’s lack of space, Florence hurled herself forward, connecting with a weak front kick to the man’s hardened leather chestplate. Thought the blow was light, Florence’s aim was true. Winded, the aquilan took a moment to suck down some air. It was his last decision. Florence planted a brutal foot in his throat and took the man’s wings as he fell to his final resting place.
    Breathing hard, Florence scanned the field of battle. There were sounds of desperate melee on the other side of the tree ferns. She picked her way through the plants and found Miss Garvey finishing off an aquilan assassin.
    “How many more?” Florence asked as Garvey recovered her breath.
    “I think Wilson got two,” Garvey replied. “Julian got two as well.”
    Florence found Julian and Emmaline safe and sound. The aquilan had successfully fought off two of his kin. Emmaline looked shaken but

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