The Lynx Who Claimed the Sun

The Lynx Who Claimed the Sun by Scarlet Hyacinth Read Free Book Online

Book: The Lynx Who Claimed the Sun by Scarlet Hyacinth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth
Tags: Romance, Romance MM, erotic MM
he was all Garth’s. God, just the thought made Garth realize how lucky he’d been today, and how much he could have lost.
    The memory of that terrible fear drove him into increasing the speed of his thrusts. He wanted to imprint himself into Nicolas’s skin, to shower the hummingbird with kisses and protect him from anyone who might try to hurt him. He wanted a new life, for the both of them together.
    In a peculiar development, his fangs ached and the beast within Garth demanded to mark his mate. That had never happened to Garth before during sex, but still, he knew all too well what it meant. As 40
    Scarlet Hyacinth
    much as he’d have liked to fulfill his selfish fantasy, he needed to talk to Nicolas about it first. The last thing he wanted was to take the hummingbird’s choices away with a rushed claiming.
    So instead of burying his fangs in Nicolas’s skin, he crushed their lips together once more and reached between their bodies to grip his lover’s shaft. Two strokes of his hand on the hard column of flesh and it was all over. Nicolas’s scream ended up muffled by their kiss as the hummingbird’s ass clenched around Garth’s prick. Garth was helpless in front of the delicious sensation. Burying himself one last time inside Nicolas, he filled his mate with his seed. For a second, Garth couldn’t even think or breathe. The only thing he could do was feel, feel and need this incredible man beneath him.
    They collapsed together on the couch, breathing hard and riding out the pleasure of the afterglow. Garth couldn’t help it. He felt too comfortable, so he started purring again.
    A breathless laugh escaped Nicolas. “I can’t believe it. You’re purring.”
    “You have that effect on me,” Garth shot back, more relaxed than ever.
    Nicolas cuddled close to him, and for a brief moment, neither of them spoke. Nicolas was the one to break the silence. “Thank you,”
    he whispered.
    Garth gave his mate a confused look. “What for?” He’d more than enjoyed their coupling, so no thanks were needed. Truth be told, Nicolas’s words made him a bit uncomfortable.
    His dilemma was clarified when Nicolas added, “I know you wanted to bite me, to claim me. I could feel it. But… I’m not ready for that, not yet. So, thank you.”
    Garth nodded wordlessly and kissed his mate’s forehead. Not yet meant that one day, Nicolas would be ready. Until that day came, Garth would respect his lover’s decision and wait patiently.

    * * * *

    The Lynx Who Claimed the Sun

    Corbin slipped out of his bed, feeling a bit antsy. His younger brother had fallen asleep, but Corbin still thought about the mysterious Nicolas. His dad hadn’t given him and Preston too many explanations, but Corbin understood that if Nicolas had come here to meet them, he would be an important person in their lives.
    What unsettled Corbin most was that, surprisingly, he liked Nicolas. He liked that he made Corbin’s dad laugh and be relaxed.
    Today, when they’d been watching the movie, Corbin’s father had looked happier than Corbin had ever seen him. What did that mean?
    With the ease of all cat-shifters, Corbin navigated through the dark and padded out of the room. There was a light still on in the office, so he decided to avoid going too close. His dad would feel him if he approached the room too much.
    The sound of light laughter reached his ears, prickling his curiosity. He wanted to see what Nicolas was doing with his dad, but at the same time, he knew his father would be pissed if he eavesdropped.
    The decision was taken out of his hands when the office door opened. Corbin immediately ducked back into his room and slipped back into bed. He heard his dad’s familiar footsteps close in, and for a few moments, he thought he’d been busted.
    It seemed luck was on his side, though, because his dad went into the bathroom instead. Corbin released a sigh of relief and contended himself with not having been caught. He’d investigate

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