The Master's Choice

The Master's Choice by Abby Gordon Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Master's Choice by Abby Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby Gordon
Tags: Erotic Romance
deep into her throat. She could not beg him to fuck her.
    His lips brushed her ear and the low growl of his voice nearly made her come right then and there. “I have to take care of some family business. You’re coming with me…”
    “No, I can’t,” she gasped, suddenly remembering why she was there to begin with. “I have to…”
    His tongue clicked against his teeth and she winced at the soft reproach. Last time she’d heard him react like that, he’d spanked her, before fucking her ass. The last time he’d fucked her. She fought back the orgasm.
    “I don’t know what forces of nature brought us together, but I intend to take full advantage of it.” He gazed down at her. “I can see it in your eyes, Ally. I know exactly what you want me to do.” Heat flared in his eyes. “And that you’re fighting the urge to kneel in front of me, aren’t you?” His voice dropped and she nodded.
    “Yes, sir,” she whispered. How the hell did he affect her like this? She’d missed him, yes, but… “But…”
    “You’re staying by my side then leaving with me,” he told her. The vibrations in her ear had her entire body trembling. His hands pressed her against his chest and her breath caught in her throat. His cock was fully erect. “Any argument?”
    “N…no, sir,” she stammered. She didn’t care where they went. He was there. He wanted her with him. He wanted her . She had this effect on him. She nearly cheered.
    “Good girl.”
    He took her hand and drew her down the hall. She caught a glimpse of a company sign—Franklin Enterprises—and gasped. She glanced up at JW and he winked at her.
    “Just a little family business to take care of,” he told her.
    Opening one half of the double doors at the end of the hall, JW pulled Ally into a conference room where several men sat around the end of the table and grinned at their entrance.
    “You’re late, cousin,” the businessman at the head of the table commented with a smile. “Traffic or did you have problems parking?”
    “Morning, Grant. This asshole was bothering Ally downstairs in the lobby,” JW replied, gesturing to where her ex now sat at the other end of the table.
    Ally kept her expression calm. Somehow she’d landed in the middle of a Franklin Enterprise board meeting. “Family business” indeed, she mentally snorted. But why were the MacLaurens here? She frowned slightly as instinct told her that her ex and his family were up to no good.
    “You—” Kevin whipped his head around to glare at JW. “You bastard!”
    “Shut your mouth,” ordered a man at what Ally considered the friendly end of the table as he smacked the table.
    “Bronson,” the man who could only be Grant Franklin said mildly before looking down the table. “MacLauren, keep your nephew under control or get him the hell out of here.”
    “Why is that woman here?” Ken MacLauren demanded. She bit her bottom lip. Her former father-in-law had not hidden his anger at her when the deal with Andy had fallen through. “And who is he?”
    “Must be hell not to know who you’re dealing with, Ken,” smirked the man named Bronson.
    “You must be the Ally he’s told us about,” observed the man named Grant. He stood, strode toward them, and put his hands on her shoulders for a soft kiss on the cheek. “I can certainly see why he’d want to keep you to himself.”
    Straightening, Grant gave them both a wink. JW smiled slightly as Ally blinked. Had he mentioned her to his cousins? Of course, he might have remembered the scandal when her marriage had fallen apart and was gentleman enough to give her some cover in front of the MacLaurens.
    “Get your own woman, Grant. This one’s mine.”
    “I should have put it together sooner,” Grant murmured, glancing at her glaring ex. “The mysterious Alessandra Marie Colson-Brown who married Kevin MacLauren, divorced him six months later, then disappeared.” He gave JW an amused look. “You didn’t waste any time picking a

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