The mighty Quinns: Liam

The mighty Quinns: Liam by Kate Hoffmann Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The mighty Quinns: Liam by Kate Hoffmann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Hoffmann
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
wasn’t any good at romance.
    Ronald had been a quiet, unassuming man with nothing in his life except his job at the bank. He didn’t watch ESPN, didn’t drink or smoke, and didn’t even have any male friends. And from the moment they’d met, he’d only had eyes for her. Ellie had been sure she’d finally found a man worth loving. And then, again, it was suddenly over with no explanation. Working with him had been unbearable, so she’d decided to leave New York to make a fresh start in Boston.
    But she hadn’t expected to be quite so lonely. She didn’t know a soul in the city, and without a new job, she had no way to make friends. The only person who ever recognized her was the curly-haired girl who took her coffee order every morning. “Large latte with four shots of caf, Erica,” Ellie said with a bright smile.
    Erica gave her an odd look, as if trying to place her face. “That’ll be four fifty-six, ma’am.”
    Ellie glanced up at the clock. It was only seven, two hours earlier than she usually began her day. Maybe Erica wasn’t used to seeing her so early. Ellie made a note to reread I’m the Best Me I Can Be, her favorite book of positive affirmations. She had four interviews set up with Boston banks this week alone and it wouldn’t do to let the coffee girl shake her confidence.
    She pulled her wallet out of her purse. She’d already interviewed for six other jobs and found it strange that she hadn’t been called back by anyone. Though she’d left her job in New York rather suddenly, she’d left on good terms. Her old boss had no reason to give her anything but a glowing recommendation. Ellie sighed. Maybe the job market was just a little tight.
    Ellie paid for her latte, then grabbed the paper cup and carried it over to the table that held the cream and sugar. She plucked a plastic top from a stack and before putting it onto the cup, sprinkled two packets of sugar into the coffee. When she was satisfied that her coffee was perfect, she turned for the door, then stopped short. The subject of her sleepless dreams stood at the end of the coffee line, his hands shoved into the pockets of his faded jeans, his broad shoulders accented by his battered leather jacket.
    She looked over at the door and wondered if she ought to just walk out. He hadn’t noticed her yet and she could easily make an escape. But Ellie felt compelled to say something to him. She owed him at least a thank-you, some acknowledgment that he’d likely saved her life.
    She stepped up behind him and gave him a gentle tap on the shoulder. He slowly turned and Ellie found her heart fluttering as he looked into her eyes. She was struck again by the incredible color of his eyes, an odd mix of green and gold. She swallowed hard. “Hello,” Ellie murmured.
    Liam blinked, obviously surprised by her sudden appearance. “Hello,” he said.
    He gave her an odd look, the same look Erica had given her, and for a moment Ellie wondered if he remembered who she was. Her stomach lurched and she forced a smile. “It’s Ellie,” she explained. “Eleanor Thorpe. From—”
    “I know,” Liam said. “I know who you are. It’s a little hard to forget the woman who tied me up and had me arrested.”
    “I’m sorry,” Ellie said. “I called the police station Saturday morning and they explained everything. That you weren’t a burglar or even a criminal. And that you were really coming to my rescue. I guess I ought to thank you.”
    He glanced around nervously, then fixed his gaze on the menu above the counter. Ellie wondered why he was being so aloof. Was he embarrassed by what she’d done? Or was he simply not interested in chit-chat? He’d been so charming that night and now he seemed as if he wanted to be anywhere but here talking with her. “Well, I should really go.”
    “Right,” he murmured. “You know, I really didn’t save you. The guy probably was just after some jewelry or maybe some easy cash.”
    “No, no, you did,”

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