The Montana Rancher's Bride (New Montana Brides)

The Montana Rancher's Bride (New Montana Brides) by Susan Leigh Carlton Read Free Book Online

Book: The Montana Rancher's Bride (New Montana Brides) by Susan Leigh Carlton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton
She would soon be left behind.
    “I thought I would introduce you to Jack and Letty Owens. In fact, if I don’t, she will kill me.”
    “I have been looking forward to meeting her. Did you read the letter she sent?”
    “I didn’t. I asked her if she could, then posted mine and headed back to the ranch.”
    “I’ll have to let you read it,” Carrie said. “She had some very nice things to say about you.”
    “They’re both special people. The church is just around the corner and their house is right behind it. They’re usually at the church, Letty clean s while Jack works on his sermon.
    “Here we are,” he said and pulled up in front of a white clapboard building. He took her small hand in his paw, and felt a shock that surprised him as it raced through him, all the way to his toes.
    “Jack… Letty? Are you here?” he called out. “Carrie is here.”
    Letty came hurrying from the back, a feather duster in her hand, brushing back the strand of hair that always seemed to be trying to escape from under the headscarf. She wiped her hands on her apron, and said, “I would hug you, but I’m all dusty. We get tons of dust in from the street.”
    “Carrie held out her arms. “You can’t be any dustier than I am. I just climbed down from the stagecoach.” She hugged the young preacher’s wife. “Thank you for the letter. It wasn’t necessary, but it was very kind of you to take the time.”
    “It was no trouble. Case is like the little brother I never had.”
    Carrie laughed. “He said the same thing about you except he said sister.”
    “Jack must have stepped out back. He was working on his Sunday message. Let’s go to the house. He may be there.” She led the way to the small house in back. There, they found Jack, having a glass of lemonade.
    Case made the introduction. “Carrie, this is Jack Owens, the husband of my older sister here. Jack, Carrie Robbins.”
    “Carrie. It is so nice to meet you. I know Case has been anxious, and his anxiety is contagious.”
    “You two are just what I expected. Case wrote you were his best friends and the nicest people around.
    “Carrie, Letty, and Jack have fixed a room, where you can stay until we can get acquainted and you decide what you want to do.”
    “That’s nice of you, but, I’ve made up my mind, unless you need more time,” Carrie said.
    Case’s surprise showed on his face. Carrie took the look on Case’s face to mean he was unsure , but Letty jumped in to save the day. “I have one of my usual brilliant ideas. Why don’t you both stay here tonight, then Case can show you the ranch tomorrow.”
    “Good idea honey,” Jack echoed his approval of her idea. “Come on, Case, I’ll help you get the things from the wa gon.” They went outside.
    “I think you hurt her feeling in there, buddy,” Jack said.
    “What do you mean? I didn’t say anything.”
    “No, but you had a surprised look on your face, and it bothered her. She committed herself and your look soured it.”
    “I was surprised,” Case said. We met less than an hour ago and I expected she would want to get to know me better before she decided.”
    “You seriously underestimated this girl. She left her home and family and traveled half way across the country to meet you. That’s about as committed as you can get. You need to make this right. I’m sure Letty will tell you the same thing.”
    “Okay. I see your point. I expected to have to convince her to stay. Let’s go back in.”
    In the house…
    “Carrie, would you like take a walk with me?” he asked.
    “Yes, I think I would enjoy that,” she said.
    Outside, Case said, “Jack told me I may have hurt your feeling in there. I didn’t mean to. I thought I was going to have to convince you to stay here. You surprised me.”
    “I could tell that. I did think you weren’t sure. Your letters and the one of your friends convinced me I was making the right decision before I left Oxford.”
    “You can’t know how

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