The Mystery at Underwood House (An Angela Marchmont Mystery)

The Mystery at Underwood House (An Angela Marchmont Mystery) by Clara Benson Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Mystery at Underwood House (An Angela Marchmont Mystery) by Clara Benson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clara Benson
I couldn’t ignore it any longer and I came out to find out what in heaven’s name was going on, only to find the old girl sprawled out on the hall floor with her neck snapped in two and everybody running in fifty directions at once.’
    ‘ I see,’ said Angela.
    ‘ Perhaps Robin will be able to tell you something more about it,’ said Guy. ‘He was found bending over Winifred’s body, so he must have been the first to arrive.’
    ‘ Yes, he or Donald,’ said Angela.
    ‘ Ah, Stella, that reminds me,’ said John. ‘What’s all this I hear about a disagreement between you and Don?’
    Stella scowled.
    ‘ It’s none of your business,’ she snapped. ‘But seeing as I shan’t be speaking to him ever again you may tell him from me that he’s a horrid pig.’
    Guy raised his eyebrows.
    ‘ I say,’ he said. ‘Poor Don.’
    ‘ Never mind “poor Don,”’ said Stella. ‘I’m the one who’s had to put up with him and his beastly moods. Well, that’s all over now. He can find some other silly girl to follow him around. I shan’t be taken in by him again.’
    She turned on her heel and stalked off.
    ‘ Too bad,’ said Guy, gazing after her. ‘I wonder what it’s all about this time. Her work again, I shouldn’t wonder.’
    ‘ Her work?’ said Angela. ‘Louisa said she is a nurse.’
    ‘ Yes, and a very fine one too if what I hear is true,’ replied the young man. ‘She wanted to be a doctor, but her father wouldn’t hear of any daughter of his doing that kind of thing, so she was forced to be content with nursing. Don would like her to give it up after they get married but she doesn’t want to. It’s caused plenty of rows between them, I can tell you. They’re each as stubborn as the other.’
    ‘ Damn’ silly quarrels,’ said John. ‘He ought to keep his mouth shut and give her her head. That’s the way to get round a woman. Let her think she has the upper hand and she’ll be as quiet as you like. But just try to forbid her from doing something and you’ll know about it! Ten to one she’ll decide to give it up anyway once the children come along. I shall have to have a word with him when he returns—make him see what he’s about. Stella’s a good girl, and he’d be a fool to let her slip through his fingers.’
    ‘ I’m sure he’ll come round,’ said Guy. ‘I’ll bet my life on it.’
    There was a wistful expression on his face as he said it, which did not go unnoticed by Angela.
    They left John and walked up to the house together.
    ‘ Did you find any clues?’ asked Louisa eagerly as they entered the drawing-room.
    ‘ Not exactly,’ said Angela. ‘But then, I didn’t expect to after all this time.’
    ‘ No, I suppose not,’ said Louisa. ‘It all happened weeks ago now, and it rained for the whole of April, so any evidence will have been destroyed long ago.’
    ‘ Yes, but I have a better picture of events in my head now, so it was useful in that regard at any rate.’
    ‘ Have—have you reached any conclusions?’ asked Louisa hesitantly.
    ‘ No, but I haven’t spoken to everyone. I have yet to meet Ursula.’
    ‘ You’re going to speak to Ursula, are you?’ said Guy. He grinned maliciously. ‘I’m sure you’ll find her a very interesting person. Robin, too.’
    Louisa threw him a reproving look.
    ‘ Old Dick Trent was looking for you earlier,’ she said. ‘He said something about the bull getting into the lane and taking all the cows with it. Perhaps you ought to go and speak to him.’
    Guy’s features twisted into a grimace of comical horror.
    ‘ Oh Lord,’ he said. ‘Not again. That bull is the bane of my life. I swear I could work two mornings a week and spend the rest of the time fishing if it weren’t for that dratted animal.’
    He saluted Angela and left.
    ‘ He’s a great help to us,’ said Louisa, ‘but sometimes he needs just a little reminder to get on with his work.’
    Angela laughed.
    ‘ Like most young men, I imagine,’ she

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