Joshua had learned of such things since he was a child. From a scientific and mystical point of view, everything is energy and is connected to the larger universal energy source. Some called it a “matrix” or “web” of energy that connects all people. Some merely called it Source Energy or Divine Energy. This blending of ideas brought the disciplines together and helped bridge the world in unification and peace.
As had been done for decades, certain children were voluntarily brought to the University quite early to study with some of the great mystics. Joshua had been one of those children and left his childhood home to study at the University when he was 10. Some children started earlier, some later, usually when a teacher, parent or mentor recognized their special gifts. Some of these children developed their skills and became seers themselves. Some returned to society to contribute in other important ways. Some of society’s strongest activists and scientists had also spent time at the University. Joshua had spent five years at the school. He returned to his family when he was 15 and had not seen it since. He felt no guilt about leaving and harbored no resentment. Still, he was aware of a queasy feeling in his stomach as the train move closer to the campus.
Joshua stepped onto the station’s platform on the Western University grounds. Immediately he remembered the energy of the place and began to tune into the workings of the campus. He watched as many people walked by; some nodded a friendly hello while others were focused in deep thought. A mixture of various people, the University was comprised of many seers, activists and scientists with various skills and focuses. As was part of their society’s belief, all faiths and religions were honored and respected.
Memories of all the things he had been taught began to flood Joshua’s mind. He was proud to be part of this great institution. The five years he had spent here changed his life. He still wasn’t sure why he didn’t stay on longer, but that didn’t matter anymore. The guiding principles of those five years had made him an aware and conscious person. As he had been taught, the University and the greater society focused on the underlying positive truths that all religions held. All at the University focused on the highest truth of all faiths and the higher energies of our existence. Science supported this idea and the synergy of all ideas was supported and honored. Energy and Divine essence were part of everything. They focused on principles that connected all people. Although not all people agreed on or followed these ways, there was a general consensus and peace among most of the United Continents. The Western Collective was particularly strong in its support of the mystics and the principles which guided the world to a new peace. Most all in their society respected the mystics’ important contributions.
Religion in all parts of the world had evolved to a higher level of spirituality that integrated itself with science and into all parts of society. Compassion, loving-kindness, mindfulness, forgiveness and awakened consciousness were important principles of life here. These values were taught at a very young age and had a positive effect on how people lived and treated each other. The divisiveness and fundamental beliefs that had existed in the past centuries between the various religions had been put aside and mostly forgotten. A new way had emerged that found connection and harmony between the various people of the world. This healing and focus on the higher truths had helped transform the world. Joshua smiled knowing that he was part of this world and breathed a great sigh of relief that he had been raised this way.
“Blessed be,” he said to no one in particular, making a short prayer in honor of this sacred place. His body was tingling with anticipation. It had been far too long.
As Joshua approached the gates of Western University,