moment, and amended the crude language she was about to use, “When I’m doing married stuff with Ted.”
“Oh,” Murphy said uncomfortably.
“The first time Sariel laid his hand on my shoulder, he tattooed his strength onto my ribcage. No arrow or sword can pierce my heart. He made a mistake, Murph. He sealed your handprint in. The Gray Ladies could not remove it. You’re always going to be part of me, whether you like it or not.”
Mia thought she caught a faint look of satisfaction on the farmer’s face. He set his axe down and requested, “Tell me about the second time he touched you?”
“He put his hand on my chest, not in a skeevy way.”
“Sleazy. He didn’t cop a feel. He just did this.” Mia reached over and took Murphy’s hand and placed it just below her collarbone.
“And you kneed him for that?” Murphy asked, removing his hand quickly.
“That combined with something untoward he said.”
“What did he say?”
Mia mumbled something with her head down.
Murphy pulled her chin up. “Say it again.”
“He said that he could give me the pleasure I seek.”
“I’ll kill him. You’re a married lady,” Murphy professed.
“I made myself clear,” Mia said and told him about the rocks.
He chuckled. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you it’s not okay to throw rocks at birds?”
This caused Mia to laugh. “I think the ef… I mean, the cad, did something else to me. Or else I’m hormonal. What if Mike is right, and I am pregnant?”
“Then you’ll have another baby,” he said simply.
Mia rolled her eyes. “Things are so black and white with you, Murph.”
“I don’t see it as a problem, unless it’s not Ted’s baby.”
“Now you’re calling my honor into question, axeman,” Mia said, her eyes flashing.
“Have you?”
“Have I what?”
“Laid with another being besides your husband.”
“I have not,” Mia said firmly and added, “I will not.”
“Then, if it’s a baby, it’s Ted’s, so don’t worry.” Murphy was quiet a moment and seemed to be thinking something through. “What if Sariel was preparing you for him? This may be why you’re so focused on your nether regions.”
Mia wanted to laugh at Murphy’s use of nether regions, but she knew, as uncomfortable as it made him, he was trying to help her.
“Ask him to turn it off,” Murphy said.
“I can’t. That means talking to him. Our conversation didn’t end well.”
“I’ll come with you.”
“Oh, I don’t think that will help. Maybe there is a limit to the time I’m under this spell or whatever. It will wear off.”
“And if it doesn’t?”
“I’ll call Sariel.”
“Good. Now get back in there and torture Mike some more.”
“You saw that huh?”
“I was putting pepper in his glass while you were staring him down,” Murphy confessed.
It was Mia’s turn to be impressed. “Way to take advantage of the situation.” Mia reached forward and fist-bumped Murphy.
Mia bounced Brian on her knee while listening to Susan’s latest gossip. Susan’s type of gossip had nothing to do with townsfolk; it had all to do with the Chicago Bears. They had so many new players that Mia had lost count. Susan was trying to describe where the drafted players would be put to work and why.
“I sure hope it works,” Mia said. “Are you sure that it’s alright to have Brian here over the weekend? I could take him to his Aunt Sabine’s.”
“Nonsense, Brian and I have a routine. First thing in the morning, we watch a few old videotapes of the ’86 Bears. And then we do our colors. He can already identify Blue and Orange.”
“I bet he can,” Mia said.
“I do worry though. He is awfully fond of Red and Gold.”
“I think that’s his father’s doing.”
“Anyway, Brian has been such a good addition to our family.”
“Brian hasn’t, you know…”
“Done any paranormal stuff?” Susan